Academic Affairs
May 2016
This policy defines librarian faculty titles and positions at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

The librarian academic titles and credentials defined below are required for the appointment and promotion of librarians who are classified as non-tenure-track faculty. Recruitment and hiring of librarians shall conform to the University’s Affirmative Action Plan and comply with the Faculty recruiting and Hiring Policy 02.01.06. Additionally, like all other faculty employed at the University, librarians involved in instruction must meet the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) credential requirements for teaching at the appropriate level as stated in the Faculty Credential Policy 02.01.57.

Description of Librarian

Each librarian’s professional responsibilities include activities that contribute directly and indirectly to student learning. Librarians contribute directly to students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills by teaching in the library’s information literacy program and working with students individually during reference transactions. Normally, members of the library faculty are expected to teach and to provide reference services to students, faculty, and other library patrons. Among the indirect contributions are development of the library’s print and electronic collections and the creation of print and online resources that aid students in finding the information they need. Each librarian carries additional responsibilities that contribute to the smooth operation and administration of the library. These include supervision of student and/or support staff and management of some aspect of the library’s operations (reference, interlibrary loan, technical services, electronic resources, archives, systems, user services).

Effective library service is characterized by (1) teaching and public service that embodies the constructs set for all University faculty (organization and preparation, engagement, delivery, fairness, and accessibility); (2) engagement with departmental faculty in the development of the library’s collections and services. This includes, but is not limited to, monitoring a department’s use of its library allocation, informing faculty of new publications and resources in the field, development of research guides and finding aids in the field, promoting library use among the faculty; (3) identifying and implementing innovative information technologies that improve library services; and (4) effective management of the operational unit, including effective supervision of staff, responsible use of library resources, participation in library planning, and project management.

Research/creative endeavor includes scholarly, scientific, or artistic endeavors. Librarians are expected to do research to improve individual effectiveness and overall quality of library service. Some examples of research/creativity are publications, conference presentations, development of innovative techniques or programs, and substantial redesign or development of programs.

Service/professional obligation includes on-campus and off-campus activities. On-campus service includes activities whose principal purpose is the efficient and effective functioning of the University. Committee responsibilities are the most obvious example of such activities, but all activities potentially beneficial to the UAH community, including student advising, also will be considered service. Off-campus service refers to those activities in which a librarian, officially or unofficially, serves as a liaison between UAH’s commitment to the larger communities of which it is a part. Such activities include participation in scholarly and professional organizations, professional consulting, delivering lectures and workshops to off-campus groups, and representing UAH at professional activities involving groups outside the University.


Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Appointments/Promotions: Librarians

Librarian appointments are non-tenure-track faculty appointments. Non-tenure-track faculty are given either (1) a one-year appointment, or (2) an appointment that may continue for a stated period of time up to three years, renewable annually for one year within that period, contingent upon the faculty member's satisfactory performance, the availability of funds, and the instructional needs of the department.

The review of a non-tenure-track faculty member follows the review process outlined in Chapter 7.8.5 of the UAH Faculty Handbook. Recommendations for reappointment of a librarian are the responsibility of the Library reappointment committee consisting of at least two Library members at higher rank appointed by the library director. The library director and the provost select a tenured faculty member to serve as an external committee member.

If the librarian is seeking promotion, the promotion committee consists of five members consisting of at least one tenured faculty member who is agreed upon by the library director and the provost and four librarians of higher rank. If there is not a sufficient number of librarians of higher rank, then additional tenured faculty members agreed upon by the library director and provost will be asked to serve on the promotion committee. The promotion committee will review the promotion request and provide a written review of the candidate's promotion file to the unit head, stating whether the candidate meets the criteria for promotion. The unit head then reviews the promotion file and writes a letter of recommendation to the director. The promotion file is reviewed by the director who provides a recommendation and submits the promotion file to the provost, who makes the promotion file available to the University Review Board (URB) for its review and vote. The provost receives the URB's recommendation and conducts an independent review prior to making a final decision. In conducting the review, the provost evaluates all information submitted and may utilize professional assessments from appropriate faculty and academic administrators, as well as the promotion file and all previous recommendations. The provost, with the concurrence of the president, makes the final decision on the promotion of a librarian.

Librarians receiving a negative promotion decision may appeal by following guidelines set forth in the Faculty Handbook, 7.10.12.

Service in a non-tenure-track appointment is not considered part of a probationary period for tenure consideration, and tenure cannot be earned in the position.

Librarian Series

Librarian I. Appointment to Librarian I requires a master's degree from a library school accredited by the American Library Association or a master's degree relevant to the individual's subject specialty. A librarian of this rank demonstrates potential to carry out instructional, scholarly, and creative duties required to perform the informational needs of the position and shows evidence of professional growth in the field.

Librarian II. Appointment or promotion to the rank of Librarian II includes all of the requirements of Librarian I. In addition, appointment/promotion to this rank requires a minimum of two years of relevant professional library experience. The following additional criteria apply to Librarian II. A librarian of this rank demonstrates ability to handle information needs as assigned by specific job duties in accordance with Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) defined guidelines (instructional, scholarly, creative, assessment, technical, and service duties) and shows evidence of scholarly activity, which may include but is not limited to publications in library or discipline-specific journals, presentations and exhibits at the local and regional level, development of programs and operating procedures for pertinent departments, participation in continuing education efforts, etc. A librarian of this rank also demonstrates service to the library or university by serving on committees and by membership in professional library or library-related associations.

Librarian III. Appointment or promotion to the rank of Librarian Ill normally requires at least six years of relevant professional library experience. Appointment/promotion to this rank also normally requires a minimum of four year's full-time appointment at the rank of Librarian II. In addition, a librarian of this rank demonstrates outstanding performance of primary job responsibilities in accordance with ACRL- defined guidelines and demonstrates leadership and planning skills for library and/or university projects. A librarian of this rank shows evidence of scholarly activity that may include but is not limited to publications in library journals or discipline-specific journals; presentations at the local or state level, development of exhibits, and participation in or leading continuing education efforts; working collaboratively with university faculty to develop subject-specific library-related curricular content; etc. In addition, a librarian of this rank demonstrates service to the library and the university by serving in a leadership capacity on library or university committees and by participating in professional library or library-related associations.

Librarian IV. Appointment or promotion to the rank of Librarian IV requires demonstration of nationally-recognized excellence in the library field, normally involving a minimum of twelve year's relevant professional experience. Appointment/promotion to this rank also normally requires a minimum of four year's full-time appointment at the rank of Librarian Ill.

In addition, a librarian of this rank demonstrates overall superior performance in primary job responsibilities in accordance with ACRL-defined guidelines and demonstrates leadership in creative problem-solving and strategic planning skills in the management of library resources. In the position of librarian, the individual meets or exceeds a high level of understanding of the library's mission and the relationship of the library to the mission of the university. A librarian of this rank is recognized nationally as a proven scholar with a record of publications, presentations, exhibits and other scholarly activities. The individual further demonstrates service to the library and to the university by serving in a leadership capacity on university committees and by participating in professional library or library-related associations, assuming leadership responsibilities in these associations.

Faculty Senate Representation

The Library may send a Librarian of any rank to act as a non-voting member of the Faculty Senate until such time as the Library has sufficient clinical, tenured, or tenure-track faculty for a regular member.

Academic Affairs will review the policy every five years or sooner as needed.

Librarian Titles and Positions