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Helpful Web Sites

UAH Student Handbook

The UAH Student Handbook lists the student rights and responsibilities, misconduct, disciplinary entities, disciplinary procedure, sanctions, appeals procedures.

Active Shooter Information

The Alabama Department of Homeland Security provides information on what to do in an active shooter emergency.  The web page includes the video "Run, Hide, Fight" and tips on what to do if faced with an active shooter situation.  Note: the video begins after a brief message from the homeland security director. Run, Hide, Fight video

The FBI also provides similar information and the "Run, Hide, Fight" video on their web site:  Run, Hide, Fight video

Additional Resources

University Dangerous Weapons & Firearms Policy

The University seeks to maintain a welcoming and safe educational environment for students, employees, and visitors, and has adopted this policy for possession of dangerous weapons and firearms on campus and at events.

Not Alone - Together Against Sexual Assault

Information for anyone interested in finding resources on how to respond to and prevent sexual assault on college and university campuses and in schools.  justice.gov/archives/ovw/protecting-students-sexual-assault


City of Huntsville Police Department

Madison County Sheriff's Office

City of Madison Police Department