Crime and Fire Logs

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This section contains links to view summaries of reports filed by the Police Department. Pursuant to the Clery Act compliance requirement 34 CFR 668.46(f) and HEOA § 488,§ 20 U.S.C. 1092 (i), the Daily Crime and Fire Log is for recording all criminal and housing fire incidents reported to the UAH Police Department. Under this requirement, the following information is required to be listed in the Daily Crime and Fire Log: Nature of the Crime, Date/Time Crime Occurred, General Location of the Crime, Disposition of the complaint.

The Daily Crime and Fire Log for the last 60 days is open to public inspection at the UAH Police Department lobby (Intermodal Facility). Any other portion of the log older than 60 days will be made available for public inspection at the UAH Police Department within two business days upon request. 

Daily Crime and Fire Logs


