Our mission is to provide you with the best course experience possible. If you have a problem, questions, or need assistance please contact us. Program coordinators are available Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Central)

To Report a Problem:

Phone 256.824.4430 or Email coordinators@uah.edu and include: 

  1. Your Full Name
  2. Course Name
  3. Contact Number
  4. General Description of the Problem

After hours and weekends

You will receive a response within 24 hours.
Email coordinators@uah.edu and include the information listed above.

Technical support is not available on University holidays.

Technical Requirements

UAH uses the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) for online courses.


Computer Information and Requirements

Operating System Requirements:

  • Microsoft: Windows 7 or higher
  • Mac: OS 10.6 or higher

Processor:  2GHz minimum

Memory:  4GB RAM minimum

Supported Browsers (latest two versions):  Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge 

Adobe Reader 11 or newer (free download)

More info: Instructure Products and Canvas basic computer specifications and known browser behaviors


Mobile Device Information and Requirements

Operating Systems:

  • Google Android
  • Apple iOS
  • Windows

Data connection: Wi-Fi or cell, 3G minimum, is required.

Please do not ONLY rely on a tablet, including an iPad, or a smartphone to use Canvas. Not all items in your online class will work well on them. You will need access to a full computer to be sure you are able to do everything in your online class.

Helpful Tip: All browsers should work with Canvas. If you're having problems while using one of them though, switch to a different browser to see if that resolves the issue.


Virtual Course Requirements

Camera, Microphone, & Speakers: To fully participate in the course, we strongly recommend a camera, microphone, and speakers



Email coordinators@uah.edu or phone 256.824.4430