Dr. Tommy Morris, Ph.D. DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR CYBERSECURITY AND EDUCATION ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Contact 301 Sparkman DriveHuntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.824.6576tommy.morris@uah.edu Biography Dr. Tommy Morris is the founding director of the new UAH Center for Cybersecurity Research and Education and an associate professor in the university's Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Dr. Morris’ previous experience includes serving seven years at Mississippi State University, where he was Director of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Center. Dr. Morris also served as Associate Director of the Center for Computer Security Research and Associate Director for the Distributed Analytics and Security Institute (DASI), in addition to being an Associate Professor of electrical and computer engineering. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, and a Master of Science and Doctoral degrees in computer engineering from Southern Methodist University.