Dr. Sherri Messimer, Ph.D. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, ISEEM Contact 301 Sparkman DriveHuntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.824.6211sherri.messimer@uah.edu Biography Dr. Messimer joined UAH's ISEEM Department directly out of post-doc studies, and served as Associate Dean for the College of Engineering, Engineering Student Affairs from 2004 to 2011. On and off campus, Dr. Messimer engages in research projects and teams to continually drive innovation in complex organizational and manufacturing systems. She currently serves on the multi-institutional Integrated Product Team exploring advanced 3D printing technologies. Dr. Messimer also collaborates statewide on the Southern Alliance for Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing consortium; and worked on a team of fellow faculty and internal stakeholders to develop a process improvement cost model for Huntsville Hospital's Emergency Department. She currently serves as the College of Engineering Representative for Women and Gender Studies.