Dr. Phillip A Farrington, Ph.D. PROFESSOR, ISEEM Contact 301 Sparkman DriveHuntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.824.6568phillip.farrington@uah.edu Biography ISEEM Professor, Dr. Phillip Farrington, has been on UAH's College of Engineering faculty since 1991, serving as Director of Distance Learning (2002 to 2008) and Interim Dean of Engineering (2008 to 2010). Over the course of his career, Dr. Farrington has secured over $5 million in external research funding and published over 90 technical articles and papers. He has graduated 15+ Ph.D. students and more than 80 master’s students. Dr. Farrington was recently honored with a Certificate of Appreciation by the office of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley for his service on the Alabama Robotic Technology Park (RTP) Executive Board.