Valerie Johnson receives UAH Staff Excellence Award

Valerie Johnson

Valerie Johnson has received the UAH Staff Excellence Award.

Michael Mercier | UAH

Valerie Johnson, tutor coordinator at the Student Success Center (SSC) at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), is a recipient of the UAH Staff Excellence Award.

She began working as tutor coordinator at UAH in July 2011, and is responsible for the oversight of the tutoring programs, which consist of academic coaching, content tutoring, online tutoring and writing. Her duties include recruitment, training and development for the tutoring programs, along with reporting and assessment. Currently, the tutoring programs employ over 40 student workers. Johnson also maintains the software tracking system and serves as a liaison for the College Academy.

"I was so honored that colleagues thought highly of me and took the time to nominate me for this award. When I initially found out, I was shocked that I won because we have such a dedicated staff here at UAH," she says. "It has been gratifying to serve as tutor coordinator as the tutoring programs evolve. I am looking forward to the changes that we are implementing for the next academic year."

Watching students grow in their positions at the SSC and as people is the best part of her job, Johnson says.

"It is so rewarding to see their genuine concern for their peers and that great moment when they help someone."

She has been married for six years to UAH alumnus Will Johnson, and the couple has a 2-year-old son, Mason, "who keeps us on our toes outside of work." A favorite family hobby is hiking and visiting national parks.

"I am working on improving my skills as a photographer to capture these moments," Johnson says. "The majority of our extended family is located in North Alabama so we also spend many weekends with our families."

Being part of an evolving campus has been fun, she says.

"It has been exciting to work for UAH during a time of such tremendous growth, not only with our student body, but also our physical campus."


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