UAH, Drake State Technical College create partnership for transfer students

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (March 11, 2013) — J. F. Drake State Technical College and The University of Alabama in Huntsville announced plans today to create a partnership that will clear a path for Drake students to earn a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from UAH.

This initiative can lead students to earn a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from UAH after they have completed their academic requirements at Drake. Students begin their coursework at Drake, and then once they meet UAH’s admissions criteria they can transfer to UAH to complete their junior and senior years.

“We want our students to have options once they graduate,” said Drake State President Dr. Helen McAlpine. “This agreement will provide yet another pathway for graduates of Drake State to achieve a bachelor’s degree and beyond.”

Electrical engineering students following this academic path can complete their bachelor’s degree within four years.

“Today, the qualified and deserving students at Drake State Technical College scored a win with the signing of this articulation agreement,” said Dr. Vistasp Karbhari, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs at UAH. “Our campus is pleased to be able to establish such partnerships with two-year schools in Alabama. I want to thank the faculty of both institutions for their hard work and their dedication to these students.”

For detailed information about the program, please call 256.824.2773 or email -

Sims McAlpine_Karbhari_Wren

From Drake State, (left to right) Dr. Patricia Sims, Dean of Instructional and Student Services, and Dr. Helen McAlpine, President, UAH Provost Dr. Vistasp Karbhari and Associate Provost Dr. Brent Wren.

For more information
Joyce Anderson-Maples


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