UAH Career Services packs National Career Development Week with events

Candace Phillips

Candace Phillips, Career Services senior coordinator, says the week will “demonstrate just how many services our office offers.”

Michael Mercier | UAH

As part of the National Career Development Association’s National Career Development Month, The University of Alabama (UAH) Office of Career Services will be hosting events designed to engage students, alumni and employers during National Career Development Week Monday through Friday, Nov. 13-17.

"National Career Development Week offers us a fun and informal outlet to celebrate just a few of the services we offer and reach students and alumni, regardless of class level or major," says Candace Phillips, Career Services senior coordinator. "Through these events, we hope to demonstrate just how many services our office offers, beyond the typical resume review."

The days of Career Services being a last-resort stop for students struggling to find employment are long behind, she says. Last year, Career Services served over 3,000 students and alumni. The office brings over 300 employers to campus each year through its career fairs, information sessions, workshops, on-campus interviews and co-op events.

"Career Services serves both current students and alumni of UAH, so we serve everyone working on or in possession of a UAH degree," Phillips says. "We offer a variety of services through one-on-one student appointments and group workshops, including resume review, mock interviews, LinkedIn, career planning and the Strong Interest Inventory. We also host a series of employment-focused events each year including Co-Op Kick Off, Career Fair and a Part-Time Job Fair for current students.

"The employers we work with are consistently impressed by the high caliber of students UAH has, and we enjoy wonderful relationships with employers as a result," Phillips says. "Through celebrations with employers, contests featuring our students and workshops focusing on professional development and salary negotiation, our team is eager to showcase just how vital our services are to student success during and after college."

A Career Services event is scheduled each day Nov. 13-17. The larger events include:

  • A poster and poetry contest sponsored by the National Career Development Association. Representatives from on and off campus will be judging student submissions and UAH winners have a chance at state and national recognition. Poster judging will be Nov. 13 in the Student Service Building lobby. Poetry will be judged digitally.
  • Professional Development for Veterans and Service Members on Nov. 13. Career Services, the UAH Veterans Network and Still Serving Veterans will be presenting a Professional Development for Veterans and Service Members Workshop.
  • Co-Op Signing Day on Nov. 15, a day for employers and co-op students to celebrate and sign offer letters in athletic signing day fashion. The day includes swag bags for students, photo opportunities and Charger Blue.
  • A $tart $mart Workshop on Nov. 16 focuses on closing the gender wage gap and helping students and alumni with salary negotiation tips.
  • An online webinar with the U.S. government’s Office of Personnel Management on Nov. 17 concentrates on how to craft an effective government style resume.

Students are asked to RSVP for events. More information on events scheduled for the week can be found on Career’s Service’s Charger Path or on the UAH Events Calendar. Questions can be directed to


Candace Phillips

Jim Steele