Civility Forum Series at UAH asks people to "Bring It…"

Bring it to the table

A forum series kicks off at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 19, at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) with the screening of the 50-minute documentary "Bring it to the Table," by award-winning filmmaker, Julie Winokur, followed by an interactive audience discussion of civil discourse and active listening.

The initial event will be held in the UAH Charger Union Theater (4705 Holmes Avenue). The event is co-sponsored by the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Education, and the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs (ODMA). The event is free and open to the public, with refreshments provided.

Building on previous forums organized by the UAH ODMA, this year's forum series embraces the tenet of the broader Bring It to the Table model: promotion of mutual understanding, dignity, respect, and cooperation among all economic, ethnic, racial, religious, and social groups. "Listening to someone with a different point of view is a radical act in an era of increasing polarization and insularity. Since the university is a place for the exchange of ideas, we felt that we should take an active role in reinvigorating civil discourse," said Dr. Nicole Pacino, Assistant Professor of History at UAH and one of the faculty organizers.

The first event in the UAH "Bring It To The Table" series poses two key questions for the audience:

  • What is the role of the university in supporting civil discourse?
  • How can we listen to learn as a first step in finding solutions to challenges facing our campus and community in today's sociopolitical climate?

In the coming months, UAH will hold three Table Talks, which are designed to encourage individuals to examine their own assumptions and truly engage in civil discourse to help move our democracy forward. At each Table Talk, participants will be invited to share perspectives on national issues of the day - from Education and the Environment to Healthcare, Poverty, and Race Relations.