The Latin American Studies minor contains two tracks:

Basic Track
(for students not completing a B.A. in Spanish): 24 credit hours
  • 12 hours of Spanish language (introductory and intermediate levels)
  • 6 credit hours of Latin American history
  • 6 credit hours to be selected from various disciplines (English, Earth System Science, History, Political Science, and Sociology) OR 6 credit hours of advanced Spanish language and study abroad.
Advanced Track
(for students simultaneously working on a B.A. in Spanish or a Spanish minor): 21 credit hours
  • 6 credit hours of Latin American history
  • 15 credit hours from various disciplines (English, Earth System Science, History, Political Science, and Sociology) OR pursue study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country
Course Requirements1 Basic Track
(for non-Spanish majors)

24 credits
Advanced Track
(for Spanish majors and minors)

21 credits
Required Spanish language
12 credits
Included in major
Required History Courses2
6 credits

6 credits
Electives CHOOSE TWO:


6 credits


15 credits
Total Credits 24 credits 21 credits

1 Additional courses will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

2 Only two History classes will double count for the History major and the Latin American Studies minor.

Sample four-year pathway for Latin American Studies Minor Student, Basic Track (non-Spanish major)

  Fall Spring
Year 1 WLC l0lS (Introductory Spanish I) WLC 102S (Introductory Spanish II)
Year 2 WLC 201S (Intermediate Spanish I) WLC 202S (Intermediate Spanish II)
Year 3 HY 381 (Colonial Latin America) HY 382 (Modern Latin America)
Year 4 One of the following:
ESS 210 (Collapse of Civilizations)
ESS 307 (Environmental Archeology)
HY 484 (Latin American History Through Film)
PSC 440 (Regional Studies: Latin America)
SOC 415 (Sociology of Globalization)
WLC 301S (Spanish Conversation)
One of the following:
HY 483 (Women and Gender in Latin America)
EH 439 (Ethnic American Novel)
SOC 415 (Sociology of Globalization)
ARH 103 (Non-Western Traditions)
WLC 499 (Advanced Spanish Conversation)

Sample four-year pathway for Latin American Studies Minor Student, Advanced Track (Spanish major and minor)

  Fall Spring
Year 1 WLC 101S (Introductory Spanish I) WLC 102S (Introductory Spanish II)
Year 2 WLC 201S (Intermediate Spanish I) WLC 202S (Intermediate Spanish II)
WLC 204 (International Cinema)
Year 3 WLC 301S (Spanish Conversation)
WLC 302S (Spanish Composition)
HY 381 (Colonial Latin America)
WLC 303S (Spanish for Life & Professions)
WLC 304S (Hispanic Culture)
HY 382 (Modern Latin America)
Year 4 WLC 305S (Introduction to Hispanic Literature) WLC 404S (Seminar in Hispanic Literature)
WLC 410 (International Internship)
Five of the following in either Fall or Spring of Year 4 ESS 210 (Collapse of Civilizations)
ESS 307 (Environmental Archeology)
HY 484 (Latin American History Through Film)
PSC 440 (Regional Studies: Latin America)
SOC 415 (Sociology of Globalization)
HY 483 (Women and Gender in Latin America)
EH 439 (Ethnic American Novel)
SOC 415 (Sociology of Globalization)
ARH 103 (Non-Western Traditions)