Patrick Monroe: Honors Student in the Spotlight

 PAtrick Monroe1

Patrick Monroe

Major: Physics

From: Pisgah, AL


 Patrick Monroe is our current Honors student in the spotlight.  Patrick is the only freshman member of our Honors Program Student Council.  Patrick is currently Vice President of the HPSC and a Physics major.

Where did you attend high school and what activities were you involved in?

I am from Pisgah, Alabama, a small town about twenty minutes outside of Scottsboro, Alabama. I attended Pisgah High School. During my senior year, I involved myself with as many organizations and programs as I could, including FFA, the National Beta Club, and the Civitan Club. While Pisgah is a small town, there was still a lot to do and enjoy during my time there.

 What's your class/major here at UAH and what are your future education and career goals?

I am a Freshman majoring in Physics. A lot of people look at me as if I’m a little mental when I tell them that, but I have a lot of passion for the field of physics and it’s interested me immensely for the last several years. I plan on completing my Bachelor’s degree in Physics, possibly adding a major in mathematics in the process. From there, I plan to attend graduate school to attain a degree in a field of physics, though I have not decided which yet. And at some point down the road, well...being called Dr. Monroe wouldn’t be too

What other activities/organizations are you involved with at UAHuntsville or in the community?

I’m the Honors Level Floor Representative for Frank Franz Hall, and I have attended several meetings of the UAH Philosopher’s Guild. I am also involved in UAH’s CRU organization.

Why did you want to be an Honors Program Student Council officer?

The Honors program is a prestigious part of UAH, and one that I have wanted to get more involved with since I first joined. I feel that I can greatly benefit the Honors Program by being a part of its student organization.

What are your goals for the Honors Program and yourself as an HPSC Officer?

I want to help expand the Honors Program beyond its current borders. It may seem a bit ambitious, but I hope to bring new opportunities to Honors students both on campus, and as a part of the Huntsville community.