University of Alabama in Huntsville Faculty Senate Bylaws
Bylaws Of The Faculty Senate
I. The Role of the Senate in the Governance System
A. The management and control over the activities, affairs, operations, policy and property of The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is vested in The Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama (the Board). The Board executes this governance responsibility through the Chancellor, who serves as the chief executive officer of The University of Alabama System, and through the UAH President appointed by the Board. The President is responsible for campus administration and reports directly to the Chancellor and through the Chancellor to the Board.
B. The UAH Faculty Senate has the responsibility and authority to deliberate issues of general faculty concern and to communicate the results of those deliberations and its recommendations to the President. This authority derives from the Office of the President and exists as a feature of the bond of mutual trust which serves as the basis for the general system of governance for the faculty, student body, and administration. These by-laws set forth the specific mechanisms by which the Senate carries out its deliberative task under the governance system. The President retains the ultimate authority over the governance of UAH, subject only to the authority of the Chancellor and the Board.
C. The Faculty Senate is the body representing the faculty as a whole in the formulation of university policy and procedures in matters pertaining to institutional purpose, general academic considerations, curricular matters, university academic resources, and faculty personnel (appointments, promotion, and tenure). Senators are the voice of the faculty.
D. Issues of the faculty at large may be presented to the Faculty Senate by: its own members and committees, the University Administration, the student governance body, university faculty, the Graduate Council, the Staff Senate, and any other appropriate University body. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (subsequently named: Provost / VPAA) will serve as the primary point of contact and conduit of information between the Faculty Senate and the University Administration. It is expected that the Faculty Senate will also engage in direct and open communication with all other officers of the University, including the President.
E. It is expected that most recommendations of the Faculty Senate will be sent directly to the Provost / VPAA for consideration by the University Administration. The Senate reserves the right to communicate with and submit recommendations to any university official or committee it deems appropriate, including the President of the University. The Senate expects a timely response. When recommendations from the Faculty Senate require the review and / or approval of other university personnel or bodies (e.g., VP's, Council of Deans), the Senate expects to be given suitable opportunity to provide its own representatives to meet with these persons or bodies to discuss the Senate's recommendations and to respond to any concerns, questions, or suggestions regarding the recommendations.
F. The Faculty Senate may at its option delegate initial review of matters to committees of the Faculty Senate. Such committees are subordinate to the Senate. At its option, the Faculty Senate may create such committees as are necessary to facilitate its work. The Senate will identify changes with respect to its structure and operations to respond to changes within the University. Review of the Senate’s governance system will be an annual function of the Senate.
G. The Faculty Senate will be invited to participate in the selection of academic administrators, will be notified and given the opportunity to provide feedback regarding alterations of the academic administrative structure, and will be notified of proposed changes (in a timely manner) in all other university governance structures (including changes in position).
II. Membership.
A. The Provost/EVPAA will be, ex officio, a non-voting member of the Senate.
B. Any full-time faculty member, including tenured, tenure-earning, clinical, research, lecturers, librarians, and department chairs, with two consecutive years of full-time service at UAH, will be eligible to be elected to membership in the Senate. Exceptions to the full-time service requirement may be approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Administrators above the level of department chairs are not eligible to serve.
C. Distribution.
1. Each of the units:
- College of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences;
- College of Business;
- College of Education;
- College of Engineering;
- College of Nursing;
- College of Science;
- and, the Library
will have a number of members in the Senate which will assure that the unit has one member for each of seven full-time faculty members, or major fraction thereof. Units will not have representation until they have at least four full-time faculty members.
2. Each unit named in (II.C.1) which has formally recognized departments will elect its senators as follows: within the unit each formally recognized department will elect one member of the Senate for each seven full-time faculty in the department, or major fraction thereof. Elections will be by the full-time faculty of each department. If necessary, all full-time faculty will then elect sufficient at-large members to bring the total unit membership (including departmental selections) up to the number required to achieve the 1:7 ratio. If a department does not fill an allotted seat, then that seat will revert back to the college as an at-large position with a one-year term such that the seat will come back to the department for election in the following academic year.
3. Units named in (II.C.1) that have no formally recognized departments will elect one senator for each of seven full-time faculty in the unit, or major fraction thereof. The elections will be conducted by the full-time faculty of the unit.
4. At the start of the academic year, the secretarial staff of the Senate will determine the number of members to which each unit and department is entitled. In the event that any unit or department is entitled to additional members, they will be elected immediately and the Senate will determine by lot whether the term of office will be until the end of the first or second following year. In the event that any department or unit suffers a decrease in the seats to which it is entitled, the terms of the requisite number of senators from that department or unit, beginning with the senator with the shortest service in the Senate and proceeding in order of length of service, shall end immediately. Should a department seat become vacant, the department shall hold an election within the month to fill the vacant seat. Any such vacancy not filled in this time shall revert to an at-large seat. Should an at-large seat become vacant, the college shall hold an election within the month to fill the vacant seat.
D. Length of Term.
Members of the Senate shall be elected by the faculty in each department by March 1 of each year for service beginning on the first day of the coming academic year. The term of office will be two years with provisions for staggered terms. In the event that the terms of all senators within a unit or department conclude in the same academic year, then at least one newly-elected senator’s term will be reduced to one year to create staggered terms once more within that unit or department.
E. All full-time faculty of an electoral unit shall be eligible to vote in the election of senators, and the vote shall be taken by secret ballot with absentee balloting procedures available to eligible electors who cannot be present at the time of election. Vacancies in the representation of any department or unit shall be filled as soon as practical by the department or unit by election.
F. If a member of the Faculty Senate is absent without proxy for three consecutive and regularly scheduled meetings, the president of the Faculty Senate may declare that member's place vacant and direct the secretarial staff to notify the appropriate dean, department chair, or director of the vacancy. The vacancy will then be filled through the procedures described in paragraph E above. The attendance records used as the basis for this procedure shall be those kept by the secretarial staff of the Faculty Senate.
III. Officers and Staff of the Faculty Senate
A. Officers of the Senate: The officers of the Faculty Senate are the president, president-elect, and ombudsperson.
B. Term: The Officers of the Senate will serve a term of office of one year, beginning on July 1.
C. Election of Officers: In the spring of each year, the Senate Governance and Operations Committee will nominate from the Senate membership (from current members of the faculty senate and from newly-elected incoming members) candidate(s) for president-elect. The names of candidates for president-elect will go to all full-time faculty of the university for election. This election will be conducted by the Senate Governance Committee before the end of the spring semester. As the president and president-elect serve the entire faculty, the departments/units from which the president and president-elect are selected will elect another senator to represent the department/unit during the officer's term of office.
The names of candidates for ombudsperson will go to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will conduct interviews of candidates and recommend a candidate to serve as ombudsperson. The ombudsperson candidate selected by the Executive Committee must receive a majority vote of confirmation from the full Senate.
D. The president of the Faculty Senate presides at meetings of the Senate, serves as the official spokesperson for the Senate to the University community, and performs such other duties as are customarily performed by presidents of similar bodies or as the Senate may direct. The president also serves as chair of the Senate Executive Committee. The president will also be the faculty representative to the Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama, and the Alabama Council of University Faculty Presidents (ACCUFP). It is expected that the Provost/EVPAA will provide the president of the Faculty Senate release time from one course for each semester of service. Administrative support is also provided by the Provost.
E. The president-elect of the Faculty Senate performs the duties of the president when the latter is absent or unable to serve and works alongside the president to facilitate Senate business. The president-elect works with the Senate standing committees to ensure that committees fulfill their charges. In addition, the president-elect would serve as the recorder for the Senate and the Executive Committee: receiving resolutions from committees or members, setting agendas for meetings, reviewing and managing the correspondence of the Senate. Administrative support is provided by the Provost; however, it is the duty of the president-elect to review all minutes and maintain all records of actions on resolutions. The president-elect also is the Senate representative to the Campus Priorities and Planning Committee. It is expected that the Provost/EVPAA will provide the president-elect of the Faculty Senate release time from one course for each semester of service.
F. The Faculty ombudsperson shall report to the Senate president during regular meetings at the time of committee reports. The ombudsperson is a confidential resource to assist faculty and to facilitate the resolution of conflict. The ombudsperson promotes fair practices, respect between parties, effective communication, cooperation, and equity and civility in academic and work environments.
G. The parliamentarian of the Faculty Senate shall be appointed by the president from among the faculty learned in parliamentary law. He/she serves at the pleasure of the president and advises the president and Senators on parliamentary procedure. The parliamentarian shall be appointed on an annual basis.
H. If, at any regularly scheduled or called meeting of the Faculty Senate, both the president and president-elect are absent, any member may call the meeting to order, and the Senate shall immediately elect a president pro tem from among the members present to preside until the arrival of the president or president-elect or the adjournment of the meeting, whichever occurs first.
I. Recall of the president or the president-elect can occur at any time in the following manner: a petition from 1/3 of the sitting senators requesting recall will go to the Provost/EVPAA who will then call for a vote of the entire senate. A majority vote of the entire senate is required to recall an officer. In the event of recall the Senate Governance Committee will institute a university wide election to replace the removed officer. In the interim, the other presidential officer will serve, or continue to serve as president. In the case of either the president or president-elect becoming unable to serve, the above procedure will be followed. The president, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint an ombudsperson should this position become vacant.
J. The Office of Academic Affairs provides all necessary administrative support in consultation with the president and president-elect of the Senate.
K. Past-President. The immediate past-president of the Faculty Senate shall be considered a non-voting member of the Executive Committee; to be included in all meetings and deliberations of the same, and is permitted the honorary title of Faculty Senate Past-President during the year following his/ her/their Presidency. The immediate past-president assists in the transition to the new president.
IV. Senate Committees
A. The Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate are:
1. The Executive Committee
2. The Governance and Senate Operations Committee
3. The Senate Personnel Committee
4. The Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
5. The Faculty Finance and Resources Committee
6. The Senate Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee
7. The Senate Faculty and Student Development Committee
8. The Senate Research Committee
B. The members of the Standing Committees are senators and are elected by the Senate.
C. Each senator shall serve on at least one committee. Units with few senate members may find their senator serving on more than one committee when the bylaws of the senate call for representative membership by unit. These senators may name a permanent proxy from their unit to serve on this committee for the year. This proxy will have the same eligibility requirements as a regular senator.
D. Recommendations for addition, deletion, or change of the standing committees of the Senate will be a part of the annual Senate review of the governance system. The Senate will determine the mechanism for and the extent of student/staff/administration participation on Senate committees.
E. Members of the Senate committees shall serve one-year terms unless the resolution creating the committee specifies a shorter term.
F. Minimum attendance requirements of committee members will be determined by each committee at the first meeting of the Senate year.
G. The elected chair of a committee may request of the Senate president the replacement of any committee member when minimum attendance requirements are not met.
H. The replacement of a committee member will not be in violation of Senate bylaws or the required composition of any committee.
I. Committees shall elect a chair for the coming academic year from among their members at the last Senate meeting of the academic year. Newly-elected senators for the next academic year will be invited to the last Senate meeting to participate in committee chair voting. Standing committee chairs serve on the Senate Executive Committee.
J. In case of vacancies on Senate committees or in case of a necessity to appoint a new committee member, the president shall appoint the new committee member provided that the Senate consents by a majority vote of those voting and provided that a least one day's advance notice of the appointment shall have been provided to the senators. If the president's nominee is rejected by the Senate, the Senate shall proceed to the election of the new committee member.
K. Standing Committees:
- Receive all resolutions from the president-elect and conduct the first reading of a bill.
- Prepare the agenda for Senate meetings. (See VIII, IX.B, C)
- Construct and distribute a tentative calendar for regular Senate meetings for the year.
- Coordinate activities of Senate committees.
- Disseminate Senate business to appropriate committees.
- Advise and consult with the Senate president on those matters requiring attention during periods in which the full Senate cannot be called into regular session.
- Meet before the academic year begins to smooth the transition between the old and the new Executive Committees.
- The Faculty Senate president, president-elect, ombudsperson, parliamentarian, past president, and chairs of all standing committees shall comprise the membership. The Provost/EVPAA shall be ex-officio non-voting.
- The Senate president shall call and chair the meetings.
- A quorum shall consist of one officer and the chairs of at least half of the other Senate standing committees.
- Review annually the Senate bylaws and prepare recommendations (resolutions) for revisions and additions to the bylaws.
- Serve as a nominating committee (to the Senate) for faculty membership on all Senate committees and Senate offices.
- Conduct Senate elections. That includes obtaining members' names, preparing ballots, requesting candidates for chairs of committees, etc. Preparations of all election material (both university and Senate) should be completed prior to the last Senate meeting of the Spring semester.
- Conduct faculty elections to University Committees. That includes screening candidates to appear on ballots following rules applicable to the individual committees. See also (6) below. Requests for membership from faculty to university committees should be collected by April 1 and ballots should be prepared for the election meeting of the Senate. A Senator may need to be placed ex-officio on a University committee pertaining to matters that affect faculty members if there is no other Senate representation on that committee.
- Designate a senator to act as liaison to university committees pertaining to matters that affect faculty. This senator would be ex-officio unless he/she were elected by the Senate as the faculty member to that committee.
- In conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, maintain an updated roster of all Senate and university committees and distribute to all faculty in the university.
- Conduct an annual review of the governance system of the university and make recommendations for needed change. Any proposed change to senate governance or operations by this committee that affects the faculty at large must be presented to the full faculty senate for consideration.
Membership shall consist of at least one senator from each unit listed in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, II.C.1.
The Faculty Senate Personnel Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the quality of the academic and professional environment relative to its impact on faculty at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Specifically, the committee shall:
- Monitor policies and procedures for faculty appointments, promotions, award of tenure, sabbatical and other leaves, retirements, terminations due to financial exigency and discontinuation of an educational program, faculty evaluations, and salary adjustments.
- Monitor the contents of the UAH Faculty Handbook through annual review, updating and editing.
This committee shall also be responsible for collecting and disseminating information pertaining to faculty personnel policies and procedures. Specifically, the chairperson of this committee will deliver a report to the Senate on matters under its jurisdiction.
This committee shall be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all faculty personnel policies.
Membership shall consist of at least one senator from each unit listed in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, II.C.1. The Provost or the Provost's designated representative will be an ex-officio member.
The Faculty Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the quality of the university’s undergraduate curricula. Specifically, the committee:
- Shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Provost/EVPAA in matters related to curriculum planning, development, change, and evaluation.
- May initiate and review any proposed changes affecting programs, basic degree requirements, and the creation or elimination of academic programs.
This committee shall also be responsible for collecting and disseminating information pertaining to the planning, development, change, or evaluation of any academic program. Specifically, the chairperson of this committee shall deliver a detailed report, including recommended changes, to the Senate during the academic year that will include the following information:
- The status of all undergraduate degree programs.
- The status of any plans to change or add to existing undergraduate degree programs.
- The status of any undergraduate academic programs being planned, including, but not limited to any new degree programs, departments, majors, minors, and degree/program options.
- The status of any new or proposed courses within existing undergraduate curricula.
- The status of any contemplated or recommended eliminations of existing undergraduate academic programs, including degree and non-degree programs and departments.
This committee shall be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all undergraduate curricular policies.
Membership shall consist of at least one senator from each unit listed in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, II.C.1. Ex-officio non-voting representatives will come from the Office of Admissions and Records and from the Curriculum Committees from each college. The committee may request additional resource personnel (e.g., deans, registrar, directors, etc.) according to the proposals being considered.
- The Senate Faculty Finance and Resources Committee shall review, assess, and make recommendations concerning:
- The mission, goals, role, and scope of the university.
- The objectives and plans of the major budget units.
- The information base and planning procedures utilized in budget preparation.
- The annual budget request and annual operating budget.
- Campus planning and allocations of space and funding.
- Working in conjunction with the Senate Research Committee, the allocation of university resources (monies, equipment, space) in support of faculty research.
This committee shall also be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all matters under its consideration. The Committee also shall be responsible for collecting and disseminating information pertaining to the acquisition, availability, and apportionment of university resources among faculty. The Senate will be represented on the Budget and Planning Advisory Council or its successors by the chair of the Senate Faculty Finance and Resources Committee, one other member elected by this committee, and the Senate president-elect.
Membership shall consist of at least one senator from each unit listed in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, II.C.1. and one representative from the Employee Benefits Committee. The Vice President for Finance and Administration will serve as a resource to this Committee.
The Senate Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee shall monitor the quality of the academic environment relative to its impact on undergraduate students. Specifically, the committee shall:
1. Monitor policies and procedures for all admissions, withdrawals,
scholastic probation, grading systems, academic good standing, and
any other scholastic issue determined by the committee as relevant to
student academic quality.
2. Hear appeals for undergraduate admission and readmission.
3. Review any proposed changes in the academic criteria for awarding any scholarship/financial aid.
This committee shall also be responsible for collecting and disseminating information relative to the development, change or evaluation of procedures or standards for admission, progression, and/or graduation. Specifically, the chairperson of this committee will deliver a report to the Senate during the academic year that will include
the following information:
- The status of standards and procedures for admission, progression, and graduation.
- The status of academic criteria for the awarding of all scholarships and other forms of financial aid at UAH.
This committee shall be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all policies relative to its jurisdiction.
Membership shall consist of at least one senator from each unit listed in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, II.C.1. The Provost or the Provost's designated representative will be an ex-officio member. The committee may designate other ex-officio members depending upon the issues/policies being considered.
The Senate Faculty and Student Development Committee shall review, access, and make recommendations concerning issues related to:
- Student retention
- Faculty retention
- Academic Integrity
- Faculty orientation/mentoring programs
- Research development and support
- Teaching development and support
- Student policies affecting faculty
- Sabbatical and other faculty development opportunities
- Faculty support services
This Committee shall be responsible for recommending modifications
or changes in all matters under its consideration.
Membership shall consist of at least one senator from each unit listed in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, II.C.1. The Provost/EVPAA and the Vice President for Student Affairs and successors will serve as resources to this Committee.
The Senate Research Committee shall review matters and recommend policies pertaining to research and to the environment for research and the dissemination of research knowledge. Specific matters for review and advice include:
- The mission, goals, role, and scope of the university pertaining to faculty research
- Research and service programs, both existing and proposed
- The quality of the research environment and research practice at the university
- Existing and proposed policies and procedures informing or prescribing research practice at the university
5. The dissemination of research knowledge and intellectual property
6. Working in conjunction with the Senate Finance and Resources
Committee, the allocation of university resources (monies, equipment, space) in support of faculty research.
This committee shall be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all matters under its consideration. The committee shall be responsible for collecting, reviewing, and disseminating information pertaining to faculty and institutional research practice. The Senate will be represented on all university committees pertaining to matters that affect faculty members and that concern research policy, procedure, and fund allocation by the chair of the Senate Research Committee and/or at least one member of this committee.
Membership shall consist of at least one senator from each unit listed in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, II.C.1. and one representative from the Office of Sponsored Programs. The Vice President for Research and Economic Development shall serve as a resource for this committee.
V. Senate Role Regarding University Committees.
University Standing Committees.
A. University standing committees may consist of members of the faculty, members of administration/staff, and students. The Senate will be represented on all university committees pertaining to matters that affect faculty members. Where a university committee provides for the participation of a faculty member, the faculty member shall be selected by (but not necessarily from) the Faculty Senate. All ex officio members shall be clarified and designated. Ex officio members shall not vote, except for those ex officio members who are committee chairpersons who may vote only to break ties. For university committees where the primary focus is faculty issues, if the ex officio member serves as chairperson, members of the committee have the option to select a faculty member to serve as co-chairperson. If the ex officio member calls a meeting but cannot attend, then the co-chair will preside. When faculty representatives on committees dealing directly with faculty issues and responsibilities do not happen to include a Faculty Senator, then a Senator should be placed (ex officio) on the university committee as a reporting senator to the Faculty Senate.
B. Where Faculty Senate Committees and University Committees share common purposes, functions, or charges, members of the Faculty Senate Committees shall be voting members of corresponding University Committees.
C. Where required by the nature of the committee's function, the university committee structure shall reflect unit representation, including the Library. University committees shall meet at least once a semester. Any member of the committee may call a meeting. Committees will issue a written report to their administrative liaison and to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee each semester, after meeting. The terms of membership shall be for two years unless otherwise noted with arrangements made for staggered terms. The details of procedures are issues which will be determined by each Committee.
D. Faculty representation on university committees, as listed in the University Committee Manual, will be appointed or elected by the Faculty Senate as indicated by guidelines in the Manual. The University Committee Reference Manual is available at under Employees > Departmental Resources > University Committees.
VI. Meetings of the Senate and Attendance
A. The incoming Senate Executive Committee will determine the regular meeting schedule of the Faculty Senate for the academic year before the start of the fall semester. The incoming Executive Committee will have this schedule (containing the dates, times, and locations of the regular Senate meetings) prepared and distributed to all faculty Senators, as well as to the President's Office, the Provost's Office, all college deans, and departmental chairs, at the beginning of the Fall semester. The full Faculty Senate will typically meet for regular business on every third Friday during the Fall and Spring semesters. The starting time of the meetings will normally be 10:00 AM. Each meeting will last up to two hours unless the Senate extends the duration of the particular meeting for a specified length of time by a 2/3 vote. The Executive Committee normally meets on the Friday preceding the meeting of the full Senate and Senate Committees normally meet on the Friday following the meeting of the full Senate. The starting time of the Committee meetings will normally be 10:00 AM. Summer meetings may be called by the president (or president-elect in the president's absence) under the conditions specified in the Senate Bylaws VI.D.
B. Such regularly scheduled meetings may be canceled by the president if no items are on the agenda seven days prior to the meeting. Unless notified of a cancellation, senators are obligated to attend scheduled meetings without specific notice.
C. The Senate and all committees, including the Executive Committee, shall maintain a foremost intent to hold their regular and called meetings with all members being in-person, face-to-face, and co-located in one physical place, with the exceptions of extenuating circumstances. If conducting such in-person, face-to-face and co-located meetings is difficult or impossible due to governmental or university limitations to face-to-face meetings, then the Senate President may choose to instead employ technological methods to conduct the Senate meeting as though it were held in-person (“online attendance”), as long as the following conditions are met: 1) Online attendees can be reasonably expected to have access to the technology for this purpose, 2) Potential attendees are informed of the method to be used at least 24 hours beforehand, 3) The method has means to ensure that the identity of each online attendee can be known to all attendees for purposes of a roll call, 4) The method has means to ensure that all attendees (whether in-person or online) can hear what is said by each other, see whatever is displayed, make motions, speak in debate, and vote such that an accurate tally can be made. If only some members were “online” then every effort would be made to ensure their equal participation in the meeting. Rules concerning quorum and proxies are not affected. Online participation under the terms of this paragraph will be considered “attendance” as it is used in these Bylaws. All Senate committees, including the Executive Committee, may elect to choose their own option to hold technological meetings in lieu of in-person meetings. The option for technological meetings shall be proposed and approved at the first in-person meeting of the committee starting at each academic year cycle. Any committee member may thereafter request approval by in-person or electronic means to hold a technology meeting, with approval by a majority of members to give permission for such a meeting. Voting on any issues presented during technology meetings must be taken in writing, in the form of email or recorded chat logs. In either case, the same 4 conditions listed above must be satisfied to have a meeting employing technological methods. However, if any member of such Committee objects to the technological option, such Committee shall meet in person. However, no such objection shall be in order if an in-person meeting is impossible due to governmental or university restrictions.
D. The president may call special meetings if the business of the Senate requires it. Special meetings may also be called at the written request of one-fifth of all senators. Such meetings shall be scheduled at times that will ensure maximum attendance. All senators must receive notice of such meetings two days in advance.
E. To ensure full representation of the University's faculty, the use of proxies shall be strictly regulated. Any senator unable to attend either a regular Senate meeting or a Senate committee meeting may send a substitute with a written proxy to the Faculty Senate President. This substitute may be selected from among faculty within the senator’s department or unit or from among any other current senators. Any senator experiencing a semester-long or year-long conflict between Senate meetings and scheduled classes or sabbatical may send a permanent proxy for that period. This substitute, however, must be from the senator’s department or, in the case of an at-large senator, from the college. All proxies shall be declared to the Senate president no later than the Senate meeting immediately preceding the first meeting during which such a conflict will occur, and must be able to present satisfactory proof of the conflict to the president upon demand. Similar arrangements for proxy coverage must be made for the senator’s service on senate standing committees. This may be done through the same proxy or a different proxy.
F. A quorum for any meeting shall be a majority of the votes (whether represented by senators or their proxies) that are entitled to be cast.
G. Senate meetings are always open to the University community. Visitors to the Senate may take part in discussion at the discretion of the president.
H. The first meeting of the Faculty Senate in the Spring semester shall be known as the Annual Meeting. The President of the Faculty Senate after consultation with the Senate shall invite any appropriate persons from the chancellor's office and from the central administration at UAH to speak to the Senate at its Annual Meeting on matters directly related to planning for the coming academic year as well as to planning of longer range.
VII. Submission of Business to the Senate
A. All Senate business shall be submitted in the form of bills which state clearly and in detail all actions to be taken and the agencies intended to take these actions. Items which do not conform to this format shall be returned to their originators.
B. Senate committees shall submit written reports of actions taken at the end of each academic year and shall submit their recommendations, if any, in the form of bills.
C. All bills shall be submitted in writing to the president-elect of the Senate.
D. The president-elect shall number all new bills in order of receipt and shall identify by proper notations amended or substitute bills reported by committees. The president-elect shall list all bills as received. Seven days before each meeting of the Senate, the list shall be closed and transmitted to the Executive Committee. Copies of all bills newly added to the list shall be sent to each senator by the administrative support staff under the direction of the president-elect.
VIII. Determination of the Agenda
A. All bills submitted to the president-elect and listed by him/her/them for the Senate Executive Committee, whether newly received or reported by committees, shall be considered by the Executive Committee and either referred to a committee of the Faculty Senate or placed on the agenda for Second Reading in such order as they may deem appropriate.
B. The Senate Executive Committee shall report its actions to the president-elect and the president-elect shall transmit a list of all bills acted on and the actions taken to the senators, as well as lists of bills on the agendas for Second and Third Readings.
C. The Senate may, by a majority vote, direct the Senate Executive Committee to place on the Agenda at the Second Reading at the next meeting any bill referred to the committee.
D. If at any time the Senate Executive Committee finds no items ready to be considered at a meeting, it shall certify this fact to the president.
IX. Order of Business in Meetings of the Senate
A. No bill shall be passed as a resolution by the Senate unless read three distinct times. Action by the Senate Executive Committee or emergency introduction shall constitute the first reading. The second and third readings shall occur on the floor of the Senate and shall be on distinct days, unless the Senate shall determine by a two-thirds vote, following the second reading of a bill, to move directly to a third reading of the bill. If any item shall receive a unanimous vote on Second Reading, the presiding officer may rule, if there is no objection from the floor, that it has been immediately and automatically adopted at Third Reading.
B. The Senate Executive Committee shall place items on the Agenda for Second Reading. During the consideration of an item on the floor at second reading, it shall be in order to move that the item passes to third reading, and if a majority votes in favor, the item shall be automatically placed at the foot of the Agenda for Third Reading.
C. The preferred order of business in meetings of the Senate should be:
1. Correction and adoption of the minutes for the previous meeting;
2. Report by the Provost/EVPAA on administrative updates and administration responses to Faculty Senate recommendations;
3. Guests of the Senate (if necessary)
4. Reports of officers and committees, elections (as necessary), and general discussion;
5. Business on the Agenda for Third Reading;
6. Business on the Agenda for Second Reading.
Items 1 and 2 should be limited to a combined duration of thirty (30) minutes. Item 3 should be limited to a duration of thirty minutes.
D. At the discretion of the Senate, the Provost/EVPAA may be requested to submit a report in writing for inclusion in the permanent records of the Senate when the substance of the report shall make this desirable. Such a request may be made by motion after the oral report and shall be voted on by the Senate without debate.
E. Following the adoption of the meeting minutes, the report of the Provost/EVPAA, and general business, the president shall read the agenda item by item, beginning with the first bill on the Agenda for Third Reading. The item read shall then be on the floor for consideration, but a motion to pass over without prejudice shall be in order immediately following the main motion for passage to the next stage. Following the passing over of consideration of a bill, the procedure shall be repeated for the second bill on the agenda, and so on. When the Agenda for the Third Reading has been read once, the procedure shall be repeated for the Agenda for Second Reading. Items remaining on the agenda at adjournment (including bills passed over) carry over to the next meeting in the same order.
F. At any time during agenda business when there is no other motion on the floor, a senator may move that the Senate proceed immediately to emergency floor consideration of a bill not on the agenda nor before committee. This motion is in order only if the proponent of the motion has on hand copies of the bill for all senators plus two file copies. The motion may be debated for five (5) minutes and requires a two-thirds vote of those present for adoption. Any senator wishing, by emergency action, to bring a new (unpublished) matter before the Senate for action, and to move it through all readings on the same day, must present ample evidence of the urgency of the matter, of the need for immediate action, and of the likelihood that delay would seriously impair the effectiveness of the Senate's response.
G. If the Senate shall adjourn while considering a bill, that bill is considered before the call of the agenda at the next meeting. Prior to the call of the agenda, motions to take from the table bills tabled at earlier meetings are in order.
H. When a Senate bill is passed at third reading, then it becomes a Senate resolution. A bill can be passed at second reading if the vote in favor of the bill is unanimous. The secretary of the Senate will forward the new resolution to the Provost. The Provost may seek the advice of the University Counsel or other groups appropriate to the content of the resolution before forwarding the resolution to the President of the University. The President of the University will either approve the resolution, suggest changes or decline to approve the resolution. It is the responsibility of the Office of Academic Affairs to apprise the Senate president at every Executive Committee meeting of the progress of resolutions; the Senate president will then inform the senators at every meeting. Final decisions on resolutions should be made by the administration with all due speed, typically within 60 days of receipt. If the Senate determines that a resolution is blocked in an administrative bureaucracy, then it may ask the Provost for a written explanation of delay. The Senate may offer clarifications of intent for a resolution if the administration inquires. In turn, the Senate should accept or suggest changes to administration responses with all due speed, typically within 60 days of receipt or no fewer than two Senate meetings.
I. Resolutions that expedite non-controversial matters such as recognition of significant contributions to the university by faculty, staff, or administrators, or that afford a statement of Senate opinion on a university or public matter, are called "Sense of the Senate" resolutions. “Sense of the Senate” resolutions do not require approval by the administration. At any time during a Senate meeting, a senator or a Senate committee may be recognized to call for a "Sense of the Senate" bill. These bills are to be distributed to the Senate in writing along with a verbal explanation of the need for the action. To be passed as a resolution, a "Sense of the Senate" bill requires only a single reading, will be voted on upon the floor of the Senate, and requires unanimous vote. It is not the purpose of a “Sense of the Senate” bill to bypass adequate debate or constituency input on any bill of policy substance.
X. Records of the Senate
A. The file of bills, resolutions and written reports and the Journal meeting minutes of the Senate are the only official records of Senate proceedings. These records are exclusive. All resolutions are complete as recorded. No debate or testimony of intent may be construed as modifying or expanding the actions of the Senate.
B. Files of all bills, resolutions, and written reports of the Senate as submitted shall be retained by the administrative support staff under the direction of the president-elect. The Senate may adopt rules regulating the access of members of the University community to these records.
C. The administrative support staff under the direction of the president-elect shall prepare the minutes. No debates shall be entered in the minutes, but it shall be a complete record of attendance, motions, votes, and other proceedings. At the request of one-fifth of the members present, the names of senators shall be recorded beside their votes on a particular motion.
D. In order for the minutes to be accurate, no motion affecting the recounting of the discussion about a bill or resolution, as it appears in the minutes, shall be seconded until submitted in writing to the presiding officer and the president-elect.
E. Copies of the minutes shall be distributed as the Senate may direct. Responsibility for this distribution rests with the administrative support staff under the direction of the president-elect.
XI. Amendment and Revision of the Bylaws
A. The parliamentary law of the Senate shall be the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised as modified by these bylaws. Meetings will be conducted according to these rules. Therefore, amendments to the bylaws (either through amendment of individual points or through substantial revision) will follow procedures prescribed in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. Proper notice of proposed amendments to the bylaws or substantial bylaw revision will be given by proposing amendments or revisions in the form of a bill, which will be placed on the meeting agenda. Amendment or revision of the bylaws requires a two-thirds vote of those present for adoption, and the changes must subsequently proceed through review under Board Rule 108 and be approved by the President of the University before they become effective.
A. The Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate are:
1. The Executive Committee
2. The Governance and Senate Operations Committee
3. The Senate Personnel Committee
4. The Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
5. The Faculty Finance and Resources Committee
6. The Senate Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee
7. The Senate Faculty and Student Development Committee
B. The members of the Standing Committees are senators and are elected by the Senate.
C. Each senator shall serve on at least one committee. Units with few senate members may find their senator serving on more than one committee when the bylaws of the senate calls for representative membership by unit. These senators may name a permanent proxy from their unit to serve on this committee for the year. This proxy will have the same eligibility requirements as a regular senator.
D. Recommendations for addition, deletion, or change of the standing committees of the Senate will be a part of the annual Senate review of the governance system. The Senate will determine the mechanism for and the extent of student/staff/administration participation on Senate committees.
E. Members of the Senate committees shall serve one year terms, unless the resolution creating the committee specifies a shorter term.
F. Minimum attendance requirements of committee members will be determined by each committee at the first meeting of the Senate year.
G. The elected chair of a committee may request of the Senate president the replacement of any committee member when minimum attendance requirements are not met.
H. The replacement of a committee member will not be in violation of Senate by-laws or required composition of any committee.
I. Committees shall elect a chair for the coming academic year from among their membership on the last Senate meeting of the academic year. Standing committee chairs serve on the Senate Executive Committee.
J. In case of vacancies on Senate committees or in case of a necessity to appoint a new committee member, the president shall appoint the new committee member provided that the Senate consents by a majority vote of those voting and provided that a least one day's advance notice of the appointment shall have been provided to the senators. If the president's nominee is rejected by the Senate, the Senate shall proceed to the election of the new committee member.
K. Standing Committees:
1. Receive all resolutions from the president-elect and conduct the first reading of a bill.
2. Prepare the agenda for Senate meetings. (See VIII, IX.B,C)
3. Construct and distribute a tentative calendar for regular Senate meetings for the year.
4. Coordinate activities of Senate committees.
5. Disseminate Senate business to appropriate committees.
6. Advise and consult with the Senate president on those matters requiring attention during periods in which the full Senate cannot be called into regular session.
7. Meet before the academic year begins to smooth the transition between the old and the new Executive Committees.
1. The Faculty Senate president, president-elect, ombudsperson, parliamentarian, past-president, and chairs of all standing committees shall comprise the membership. The Provost/VPAA shall be ex-officio non-voting.
2. The Senate president shall call and chair the meetings.
3. A quorum shall consist of one officer and three committee chairs.
1. Review annually the Senate bylaws and prepare recommendations (resolutions) for revisions of and addition to the bylaws.
2. Serve as a nominating committee (to the Senate) for faculty membership on all Senate committees and Senate offices.
3. Conduct Senate elections. That includes obtaining members' names, preparing ballots, requesting candidates for chairs of committees, etc. Preparations of all election material (both university and Senate) should be completed prior to the last Senate meeting of the Spring semester.
4. Conduct faculty elections to University Committees. That includes screening candidates to appear on ballots following rules applicable to the individual committees. See also (6) below. Requests for membership from faculty to university committees should be collected by April 1 and ballots prepared for the election meeting of the Senate. A Senator may need to be placed ex-officio on a University committee if there is no other Senate representation on that committee.
5. Designate a senator to act as liaison with each university committee. This senator would be ex-officio unless he/she were elected by the Senate as the faculty member to that committee.
6. Maintain an updated roster of all Senate and university committees and distribute to all faculty in the university.
7. Conduct an annual review of the governance system of the university and make recommendations for needed change.
An elected senator from each college in the university including a representative from the Library.
The Faculty Senate Personnel Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the quality of the academic and professional environment relative to its impact on faculty at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Specifically, the committee shall:
1. Monitor policies and procedures for faculty appointments, promotions, award of tenure, sabbatical and other leaves, retirements, terminations due to financial exigency and discontinuation of an educational program, faculty evaluations, and salary adjustments.
2. Monitor the contents of the UAH Faculty Handbook through annual review, updating and editing.
This committee shall also be responsible for collecting and disseminating information pertaining to faculty personnel policies and procedures. Specifically, the chairperson of this committee will deliver a report to the Senate on matters under its jurisdiction.
This committee shall be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all personnel policies.
Membership shall consist of one elected senator from each college in the university and the Library and one ex-officio member designated by the Provost/VPAA.
The Faculty Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the quality of curriculum at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Specifically, the committee:
1. Shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Provost/VPAA in matters related to curriculum planning, development, change, and evaluation.
2. May initiate and shall review any proposed changes affecting programs, basic degree requirements, and the creation or elimination of academic programs.
This committee shall also be responsible for collecting and disseminating information pertaining to the planning, development, change, or evaluation of any academic program. Specifically, the chairperson of this committee shall deliver a detailed report, including recommended changes, to the Senate during the academic year that will include the following information:
1. The status of all degree programs.
2. The status of any plans to change or add to existing degree programs.
3. The status of any academic programs being planned, including, but not limited to any new degree programs, departments, majors, minors, and degree/program options.
4. The status of any new or proposed courses within existing curricula.
5. The status of any contemplated or recommended eliminations of existing academic programs, including degree and nondegree programs and departments.
This committee shall be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all curricular policies.
Membership shall consist of one elected senator from each college in the university, one elected representative from the Library, and one ex-officio non-voting representative from the Curriculum Committee from each college and the Office of Admissions and Records. The committee may request additional resource personnel (e.g., deans, registrar, directors, etc.) according to proposals being considered.
The Senate Faculty Finance and Resources Committee shall review, assess, and make recommendations concerning:
1. The mission, goals, role, and scope of the university.
2. The objectives and plans of the major budget units.
3. The information base and planning procedures utilized in budget preparation.
4. The annual budget request and annual operating budget.
5. Campus planning and allocations of space and funding.
6. Faculty research priorities, funds, and projects.
This committee shall also be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all matters under its consideration. The Committee also shall be responsible for collecting and disseminating information pertaining to the acquisition, availability, and apportionment of university resources among faculty. The Senate will be represented on the Priorities and Resources Advisory Committee by the chair of the Senate Faculty Finance and Resources Committee, one other member elected by this committee, as well as the Senate president-elect.
Membership shall consist of at least one senator from each college, one from the Library, one member from the Employee Benefits Committee. The Vice President for Administration will serve as resource to this Committee..
The Senate Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee shall monitor the quality of the academic environment relative to its impact on undergraduate students. Specifically, the committee shall:
1. Monitor policies and procedures for all admissions, withdrawals, scholastic probation, grading systems, academic good standing, and any other scholastic issue determined by the committee as relevant to student academic quality.
2. Hear appeals for undergraduate admission and readmission.
3. Review any proposed changes in the academic criteria for awarding any scholarship/financial aid.
This committee shall also be responsible for collecting and disseminating information relative to the development, change or evaluation of procedures or standards for admission, progression, and/or graduation. Specifically the chairperson of this committee will deliver a report to the Senate during the academic year that will include the following information:
1. The status of standards and procedures for admission, progression, and graduation.
2. The status of academic criteria for the awarding of all scholarships and other forms of financial aid at UAH.
This committee shall be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all policies relative to its jurisdiction.
At least one senator from each of the undergraduate colleges and the Library shall be elected to serve on this committee. The Provost or the Provost's designated representative will be an ex-officio member. The committee may designate other ex-officio members depending upon the issues/policies being considered.
The Senate Faculty and Student Development Committee shall review, access, and make recommendations concerning issues related to:
1. Student retention
2. Faculty retention
3. Academic Integrity
4. Faculty orientation/mentoring programs
5. Research development and support
6. Teaching development and support
7. Student policies affecting faculty
8. Sabbatical and other faculty development opportunities
9. Faculty support services
This Committee shall be responsible for recommending modifications or changes in all matters under its consideration.
Membership shall consist of at least one senator from each college and the Library. The Provost and the Vice President for Student Affairs will serve as resources to this Committee.