Dr. Michael D. Anderson

Department Chair CEE,
Associate Dean for Graduate Education & Research,
and Interim Department Chair for ISEEM,


5000 Technology Drive NW
Olin B. King Technology Hall
Room S201
Huntsville, AL 35899
Campus Map



Dr. Anderson, PE, is a Professor of Civil Engineering who has over 20 years of experience focusing on transportation, traffic modeling, freight transportation, and GIS-T applications. He has completed numerous projects for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Alabama Department of Transportation, the Alabama Transportation Institute and the University Transportation Center for Alabama.


  • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1998
  • M.S., Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1996
  • B.S., Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, 1994

Honors & Awards

  • Selected College of Engineering Outstanding Faculty Member 2018-2019
  • Selected College of Engineering Outstanding Senior Faculty Member 2013-2014
  • Best paper "Using a Federal Database and Local Industry Sector Knowledge to Develop Future Freight Forecasts" at the Tools of the Trade Conference in Williamsburg, VA.
  • Selected College of Engineering Outstanding Senior Faculty Member 2008-2009
  • Best paper "A Methodology to Use FAF2 Data to Forecast External-External Trips" at the Tools of the Trade Conference in Portland, OR.
  • Best paper "A Spatial Economic Model to Forecast External Trip Percentage Splits on Highways Approaching Small Communities" in Section A selected by representatives from the Transportation Research Board.
  • Best paper "A Spatial Economic Model to Forecast External Trips in Small Communities" at the Tools of the Trade Conference in Colorado Springs, CO.
  • Named 2002-2003 Student Government Association Outstanding Faculty Member representing the Graduate School.
  • Named 2001-2002 Student Government Association Outstanding Faculty Member representing the Graduate School.
  • Named 2001-2002 College of Engineering Outstanding Young Faculty Member.

Research Funding

  • "Alabama Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan" Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Transportation, January 22, 2019 – September 1, 2020. ($275,000).
  • "Alabama Transit Management System" Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Transportation, October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2020. ($2,250,000).
  • "Implementing usRAP in Alabama: Coving the State – Phase 4" , Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Transportation, October 1, 2018-September 30, 2020, ($373,301).
  • "Performance Reviews for Section 5310 and 5311 Agencies", Sponsored by the Alabama Department of Transportation, September 1, 2015-September 30, 2020, ($243,141).


  • Transportation Engineering
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Management Systems
  • Simulation
  • Public Transit
  • Urban Planning

Recent Publications

  • Abburi, D., Doustmohammadi, M., Anderson, M.D. "Analysis of Emergency Response to Crashes Based on Demographic Factors," International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. Vol. 8. No. 2. 2018. Pp. 25-28.

  • Doustmohammadi, M., Anderson, M.D. and Gholston, S. "Wet Pavement Crash Analysis for Alabama Roadways," International Journal of Statistics and Applications. Vol. 9., No. 1, 2019. Pp. 21-28.

  • Doustmohammadi, M., Anderson, M.D. "A Bayesian Regression Model for Estimating Average Daily Traffic Volumes for Low Volume Roadways," International Journal of Statistics and Probability. Vol 8., No. 1, 2019. Pp. 143-149.

  • Khan, T., Anderson, M.D., Kassu, A. "Promoting Transportation Sustainability by Utilizing Available Roadway Capacity," Current Urban Studies. Vol. 6, No. 4, 2018. Pp. 517-531.

  • Khan, T., Anderson, M.D. "Measuring Urban Sprawl Indices at Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) Level," Current Urban Studies. Vol. 6, No. 4, 2018. Pp. 499-516.

  • Kassu, A., Anderson, M.D. "Analysis of Nonsevere Crashes on Two- and Four-Lane Urban and Rural Highways: Effects of Wet Pavement Surface Condition," Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol. 2018. Article ID 2871451, 10 pages, 2018.

  • Kesavareddy, S., Haleem, K., Doustmohammadi, M., Anderson, M.D. "Comparing the Crash Injury Severity Risk Factors at High-Volume and Low-Volume Intersections with Different Traffic Control in Alabama," International Journal of Statistics and Applications. Vol. 8. No. 4. 2018. Pp. 173-188.

  • Kesavareddy, S., Haleem, K., Doustmohammadi, M., Anderson, M.D. "Comparison of Crash Severity Risk Factors at Signalized and Stop-Controlled Intersection in Urban and Rural Areas in Alabama," International Journal of Statistics and Probability. Vol. 7. No. 5. 2018. Pp. 50-63.

  • Kassu, A., Anderson, M.D. "Determinants of Severe Injury and Fatal Traffic Accidents on Urban and Rural Highways," International Journal for Traffic and Transportation Engineering. Vol. 8. No. 3. 2018. Pp. 294-308.

  • Doustmohammadi, M., Shirani-Bidabadi, N., Kesavareddy, S., Anderson, M.D. "The Impact of Sidewalks on Vehicle-Pedestrian Crash Severity," International Journal of Statistics and Probability. Vol. 7. No. 4. 2018. Pp. 69-77.