Jeffrey Weimer, Ph.D. Associate Professor, CME Associate Professor, Chemistry Contact 301 Sparkman Drive Materials Science BuildingRoom 125Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map Biography My research interests are in surface science and technology. We are functionalizing solid surfaces to change their chemistry. Applications include changing the flow properties in channels for microfluidics as well as promoting adhesion of specific molecules to surfaces. We are creating well-ordered films of quantum dots using Langmuir deposition methods. Applications are to enhance the opto-electrical or photo-optical properties of systems in an efficient way. Finally, we are characterizing surfaces using a range of spectroscopic and microscopic tools, including optical microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, contact angle goniometry, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Curriculum Vitae Education Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1983 B.S., Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 1978 Expertise Surface Science & Technology Adhesion Promoters Recent Publications "Generating a state diagram of Langmuir films of quantum dots", C. Nguyen and J. J. Weimer, ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium, State College PA (2018). "An uncertainty budget analysis on the Hamaker constant determined when fitting force-distance curves for a sphere-plate system", J. J. Weimer, Measurement 118 2018. "Isotherm analysis of the solution-phase uptake of chlorotrimethyl silane on a photosensitive glass", W. R. Gaillard, A. Maharanwar, J. J. Weimer, and J. D. Williams, Surfaces and Interfaces 10 2018. "Lipid bilayer membrane in a silicon-based micron-sized cavity accessed by atomic force microscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy", M. S. Khan, N. S. Dosoky, D. Patel, J. J. Weimer, and J. D. Williams, Biosensors 7 (3) 2017. "Analysis of the uptake of chlorotrimethylsilane on glass from toluene solution-phase depositions ", A. Maharanwar and J. J. Weimer, Surfaces and Interfaces 7 2017. Achieving Zero Stress in Iridium, Chromium, and Nickel Thin Films", D. M. Broadway, J. J. Weimer, D. Gurgew, T. Lis, B. D. Ramsey, S. L. O’Dell, A. Ames, and R. Bruni, Proceedings of the SPIE Conference, April 13-16, 2015, Prague. Corrections to the Born Repulsion Term for Energy and Force in a Sphere-Plate Colloidal System", J. J. Weimer and L. A. W. Sanderson, Colloids and Surface Science A, 472 (2015) 124. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy", J. J. Weimer in Characterization of Materials II, Ed. E. N. Kaufmann, (John Wiley & Sons, New York) (October 2012). "Characterization of Grafted Poly(ethylene glycol) on Si Wafers Using Scanning Probe Microscopy", L. A. W. Sanderson, K. Emoto, J. M. Van Alstine, and J. J. Weimer, Journal of Colliod and Interface Science 207(1998) 180. "Effect of Passivation and Dry Heat-Sterilization on the Surface Energy and Topography of Unalloyed Titanium Implants", D. Kilpadi, J. J. Weimer, and J. Lemons Colloids and Surfaces A135 (1998) 89.