Dr. Farbod Fahimi Associate Professor, MAE Contact 5000 Technology Drive NWOlin B. King Technology HallRoom N264Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.824.5671farbod.fahimi@uah.edu Biography Dr. Fahimi has over 10 years of research experience in dynamic modeling, system identification, linear and nonlinear controls, with applications to robotic system and autonomous vehicles. He received a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering on dynamic modeling of flexible multi-body systems in 1999. He has graduated 8 Masters students, and has offered several senior design projects. He is currently supervising several full time and part time graduate students. He has taught several undergraduate and graduate level courses such as Dynamics, Vibrations, System Dynamics, Elasticity, Finite Element Method, Introduction to Robotics, and Advanced Robotics. He has authored a graduate level text book titles: Autonomous Robots; Modeling, Path Planning, and Control. Curriculum Vitae Education Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, 1999 M.S., Applied Mechanics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, 1994 B.S., Mechanical Engineering, KNT University of Technology, Tehran, 1991 Recent Publications Bae H. W., Fahimi, F., “A single-loop online reinforcement learning trajectory tracking controller forautonomous quadrotors,” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, under preparation, January 2021. Singhirunnusorn, K., Fahimi, F., Aygun, R., “A single camera 360-degree realtime vision-basedlocalization method with application to mobile robot trajectory tracking,” IET Computer Vision,submitted, December 2020. Bae H. W., Fahimi, F., “A single-loop MIMO trajectory tracking controller for autonomous quadrotors: The control point concept,” Robotica, accepted, October 2019. Sweafford, J., Fahimi, F., “Model-free online reinforcement learning control of a robotic manipulator,”Mechatronic Systems and Control, v 47, pp. 136-143, January 2019. Fahimi, F, “Vision-based CubeSat closed-loop formation control in close proximities,” NonlinearEngineering, v 8, n 1, pp. 609-618, January 2019. Fahimi, F., Kotike, S., Rameshbabu, R., “A self-leveling higher order sliding mode controller for a leg-wheeled robot with experiments,” Mechatronic Systems and Control, v 46, n 3, pp. 132-140, June 14, 2018. Bluman, J. E., Pohly, J. A., Sridhar, M. K., Kang, C-k., Landrum, D. B., Fahimi, F., Aono, H.,“Achieving bioinspired flapping wing hovering flight solutions on Mars via wing scaling,”Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, v 13, n 4, June 26, 2018. Singhirunnusorn, K., Fahimi, F., Aygun, R., “Single-Camera Pose Estimation using Mirage,” IETComputer Vision, v 12, n 5, pp. 720-727, August 1, 2018. Dinc, S., Fahimi, F., and Aygun, R., “Mirage: An O(n) time analytical solution to 3D camera poseestimation with multi-camera support,” Robotica, v 35, n 12 , pp. 2278-2296, December 2017. Dinc, S., Fahimi, F., and Aygun, R. “Vision-based trajectory tracking for mobile robots using miragepose estimation method,” IET Computer Vision, v 10, n 5, pp. 450-458, August 2016.