Written by: Larry D Frost December 1, 2011 College of Engineering & Center for System Studies Host Systems Engineering Workshop on December 2nd, 2011 UAH’s Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Department, College of Engineering and the Center for Systems Studies is pleased to announce a systems engineering workshop scheduled to be held on December 1, 2011. The workshop will feature leading systems engineering researchers from major universities in the United States. The theme of this workshop is Understanding the Role of Elegance in Engineered Complex Systems: Engineering for System Effectiveness, Efficiency, Robustness and Behavior. The workshop will establish the groundwork for a consortium that will examine the fundamental question of what is elegant in engineered complex systems, how do we better understand and measure it, and how do we utilize it to improve the performance and affordability of modern systems. For workshop details, please contact Professor Paul Componation at Paul.Componation@UAH.Edu or Dr. Paul Callopy at Paul.Callopy@UAH.Edu. Financial support provided by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center is gratefully acknowledged.