UAH is a premiere research university with overall research expenditures of $163.4 million in FY 22. This includes expenditures incurred by 17 research centers and 6 academic colleges including the College of Engineering. Two of College of Engineering research disciplines rank in the top 25 in the nation in federal research funding. Aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering ranked sixth, and industrial and manufacturing engineering ranked twenty-fourth. The College of Engineering faculty and students interact with several Affiliated Research Centers. Overall research led by faculty in the College of Engineering at UAH spans three major National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges (see: These are: Secure Cyberspace, Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure, and Engineer the Tools of Scientific Discovery. In addition to these broad areas, our faculty research contributes to finding solutions to several other grand challenges. Although our faculty have a disciplinary home department, their research areas typically span multiple disciplines leading to collaborations extending across the College of Engineering, and including colleagues for example in the College of Science, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science, College of Nursing, College of Education, and researchers within several UAH research centers.