Revenue & Expenditures Revenue FY17 Revenue $223,569,910 Federal Grants and Contracts 32.4% Tuition and Fees 27.9 State Appropriations 21.4% Other 9.0% Auxiliaries 4.7% State and Other Grants and Contracts 2.9% Gifts 1.7% Expenditures FY17 Expenditures $223,569,910 Research 29.9% Instruction 26.9% Institutional Support 10.0% Student Services 7.8% Depreciation 7.2% Operations and Maintenance 6.1% Academic Support 5.3% Public Service 3.1% Auxiliary Enterprises 2.6% Scholarships and Fellowships 1.1% Research Expenditures FY17 Direct Research Expenditures $66,897,171 Federal 81.2% Institutional 7.2% State 6.8% Corporations and Foundations 4.8% For more, visit the Office of Institutional Research's University Facts page.