Teach 2 INCLUDE: Inspiring Change with Learning Technologies

Thursday, June 13th, 2024
Shelby Center for Science & Technology, UAH

8:30 am REGISTRATION    Foyer
9:00 am


   Room 109
9:45 am BREAKOUT SESSION 1    
  Using the Linguistic Fingerprint to Foster Diversity and Inclusivity within Educational Contexts Lisa Vangsness and Derek Koehl Room 105
  Increasing Global Fluency: Exploring Digital Narratives and Podcasts in the Classroom Jessica Copeland Room 121
  Infographics as a Tool in Undergraduate Learning of Core Biochemistry Concepts Sharifa Love-Rutledge, Sara Johnson, and Joy Robinson Room 150
  Brain Not Braining? Let Google Sheets Brain for You Drew Lassiter Room 158
11:00 am BREAKOUT SESSION 2    
  Using Video Modeling to Teach Students with Autism Allie Cramer Room 105
  Social Annotation for Collaborative Learning with PerusallTM Daniel Morrison Room 121
  Reflections on Technology and the Inclusion of Indigenous Perspectives in the Classroom Catherine Danielou Room 150
  The UDL Classroom: Using Technology to Level the Playing Field for All Students Donna Spencer and Ashley Virgin Room 158
12:00 pm LUNCH    Foyer
1:15 pm BREAKOUT SESSION 3    
  Using an Art-Based Festival to Prepare General Education Teachers to Teach Inclusively Vicki Howell Room 105
  Impacts of Virtual Language and Cultural Learning through CLS Spark Program: A Case Study Jennifer Staton Room 121
  Engaging Solutions for Everchanging Times Datie Priest Room 150
  Transformative Tech: Enhancing ESL Learning with Google Classroom & AI Dawn Saint Room 158
2:30 pm


Empowering Diverse Learning Environments: The Role of Academic Libraries in Inspiring Change with Learning Technologies

 David Moore  Room 109
3:15 pm CLOSING    Room 109