Review the undergraduate/graduate programs listed under each individual to identify your advisor. Use the email address or link provided to schedule an appointment with your advisor. Allyson Householder UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS:Art with a Concentration in EducationChild, Family, and Community DevelopmentEarly Childhood and Early Childhood Special EducationElementary EducationMusic with a Concentration in EducationSecondary Education WIL 149 Schedule an Appointment Liz Redding UNDERGRADUATE & GRADUATE PROGRAMS: Exercise Science Kinesiology with a Concentration in Physical Education Sport and Fitness Management Sport Science WIL 329D Schedule an Appointment Chantaye Robinson-Jones GRADUATE PROGRAMS: Autism Spectrum Disorders Elementary Education Music Education Reading Specialist Secondary Education WIL 140 Schedule an Appointment Dr. Jennifer Bruzek GRADUATE PROGRAM: Applied Behavior Analysis ROB 407 Dr. Andrea Word-Allbritton GRADUATE PROGRAM: English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) ROB 409