Kyle, D., Olenik-Dorman, L.(2020, January) Wheelchair basketball, Seated Volleyball, and Bocciasport skills and inclusion techniques. Alabama Recreation and Parks Association annual conference, Mobile, AL.
Kyle, D., Olenik-Dorman, L. (2020, January) Disability etiquette. Alabama Recreation and Parks Association annual conference, Mobile, AL.
Elliot, J., Craw, M., & Kyle, D. (2020, January) Departmental Unity Through Cross-Curricular Collaboration. Oral presentation at the annual conference for the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE), Palm Springs, CA.
Conners, R. T., Whitehead, P. N., Kyle, D. L. Impact of underwater treadmill training on fatigue, quality of life, and health-related fitness in adults with Multiple Sclerosis. Ongoing research in data collection stage.
Kyle, D. L., Brown, P., Hemphill, M., Gill, D. (2019, June). The impact of youth adapted sport on physical activity of adults with disabilities. Presentation for International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity. Charlottesville, VA.
Kyle, D., Olenik-Dorman, L. (2018, July) Seated Volleyball, Boccia, & Wheelchair Basketball: Sport skills and adaptations for inclusion. ALSDE Adapted Physical Education Activity Workshop, Montgomery, AL.
Olenik-Dorman, L., Kyle, D. (2018, July). Transitions for students with sensory integration issues. ALSDE Adapted Physical Education Workshop, Montgomery, AL.