I have received a Faculty Notification Letter with Alternative Testing as an accommodation. What do I do next?


  1. Log in to the AIM portal and complete the Testing Agreement.  If you or your department choose to proctor the student(s) yourself, if your exams are take-home, or if there are no exams in your class, there is a short digital form to complete that lets Instructional Testing Services know that you will not need their assistance.

  2. The student is responsible for scheduling each quiz or exam a week in advance and each final a month in advance with Instructional Testing Services through the AIM portal.  Once approved, a notification is automatically sent to the professor.  The professor uploads the test through the portal or emails it to testing@uah.edu at least 24 hours before test time when feasible.

  3. If you choose to remind the student to schedule their exam, you are doing this as a courtesy only.  If a student shows up to your class on exam day without following the procedures to schedule their exam or reaching an agreement with you to have their testing accommodations with you, you are under no obligation to give them extended time or a reduced distraction environment for that exam.

  4. Disability Support Services will administer exams for students needing advanced accommodations beyond extended time and a reduced distraction environment. The process for scheduling exams is the same except that emails are sent to dss@uah.edu.   For students in upper division or highly technical courses, Disability Support Services may not have the content knowledge necessary to provide readers or scribes. The faculty or department may be asked to assist with this accommodation.