Griffiss Institute has awarded UAH CCRE a grant for the VICEROY program (Virtual Institutes for Cyber and Electromagnetic Spectrum Research and Employ) for years 2023-2025. The program will provide support for a virtual institute at UAH to develop foundational expertise in critical cyber and electromagnetic spectrum operational skills for future military and civilian leaders of the Armed Forces and DoD. UAH is the lead institution and is partnering with Alabama A&M University and the Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering (ASCTE). VICEROY hosts the National Cyber Competition to test students on their training throughout the program. The UAH VICEROY team is the current champion of the VICEROY Cyber Competitions. UAH students win national cyber competition defusing bomb, set to teach skills this weekend - by Sean Dowling for WAFF For more information about the VICEROY program, please visit the program website or contact the CCRE team at