selfcare tips


We are getting to that time of the year: finals season. Between work, classes, extracurricular activities it is easy to get caught up in life and forget about your health. Be sure to prioritize both your health and your work. Of course, continue on your path of self exploration and seek out additional resources if necessary. In this blog we look at 5 tips to boost productivity, this is a short list and can be done in a number of ways.


1. Redefine self care

Self care is not always easy. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do like forgive someone for hurting you, going to sleep early instead of finishing that movie, or saying “no” to that extra curricular because you just need to relax. Work towards defining self care for yourself!


2. Check in with your mind and body

Listen to your body! It is the center of your ability to function. You know you best. Exercise, meditate, and take breaks when necessary.


3. Eliminate distractions and take short breaks

Our phones are typically the biggest distraction we have. One easy solution is to put your phone (or whatever your distraction is) completely away. Set timers for appropriate breaks when doing work. (Example: set a thirty minute timer to study with no distractions, then have a five minute break to eat a snack or check your phone.) This helps with maximizing your work time.


4. Exercise and eat mindfully

No one eats or exercises in the same way. Everybody is different, so after you eat or exercise, analyze your body. Notice what makes your body feel good versus what makes your body feel slow and sluggish. With a busy schedule, sometimes it is hard to eat right and exercise properly. This could influence your memory, innovation or productivity. 


5.  Track sleep 

When was the last time you got 7-9 hours of sleep? Time is limited, but as a productive person, it is important to get at least some kind of sleep. Try to keep a schedule, that way your sleeping patterns become a habit. Use a sleep app to keep track of your progress.


The University of Alabama in Huntsville also offers students the Counseling Center located in the Executive Plaza. Please call their office at 256.824.6203 if you feel the need to do so. The function of the UAH Counseling Center is to provide the university community with mental health services aimed at maximizing the personal growth and development of its diverse members. These services are offered to students and include a variety of educational and preventative, therapeutic, and crisis management activities within a short-term therapy model.‌