Charger Career Chats 720


Reflecting on a semester gone by and the different opportunities that we have been given.

Tomorrow is the day in which we are encouraged to give thanks and embody a grateful attitude for all of the good things we have in life. There are a number of traditions associated with Thanksgiving - the Iron Bowl, turkey, backyard football games, etc. We at Career Services want to thank you all for giving us such an amazing semester so far. We believe that we have the best students in the world and are so humbled to be able to serve everyone through the services we offer. From every resume submitted, every event, and every appointment, we are so thankful for all of our students, alumni and employers that we work with.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to remember that you want to express gratitude for even the smallest of things, such as connecting with an employer at Career Fair. If a potential employer took the time to talk with you about their company, then follow up with them and thank them. Time is a precious commodity; you show people that you respect them by respecting their time. So, you should take the time to thank those who invested in you and spent time with you. Small acts like sending emails, messages on LinkedIn, or even writing thank-you notes are great ways that will certainly brighten someone’s day. Gratitude is a gift that should be constantly passed on and cycled to people in our lives.

We also want to encourage you to take some time to be thankful and express appreciation to those who have supported you. If you are a student, you should count yourself lucky that you get the opportunity to pursue a higher education, there are many people in our world who do not have that privilege. Thank your bosses, leaders, mentors, etc. for the opportunity that they have given you to learn from them and work with them. Thank your family, your wife/husband, kids, parents, etc., for encouraging you as you work or pursue education. Thank your friends for being your constant supporters throughout this hard journey that is college. All of these people are incredibly important to you, and you should remind them of that often.

We hope that you enjoy your time off from classes and that you will take the time to sit back to think about all of the opportunities we have in life. It is easy to forget these things when we become caught up in the business of life, so let’s take even just one day to express our thankfulness.

Happy Thanksgiving UAH!