D. Chaney, J. Hadaway, J. Lewis, B. Gallagher, and B. Brown, “Cryogenic performance of the JWST primary mirror segment engineering development unit”, Proc. SPIE 8150, 815008 (2011).
J. Hadaway, D. Chaney, and L. Carey, “The optical metrology system for cryogenic testing of the JWST primary mirror segments”, Proc. SPIE 8126, 81260P (2011).
J. Hadaway, R. Eng, J. Speed, and J. Marzouk, “Preliminary evaluation of the vibration environment within JSC Chamber A using a simultaneous phase-shifting interferometer,” Proc. SPIE 6265, 62653G (2006).
J. Hadaway and P. Reardon, “Unique Aspects of Designing and Tolerancing an Optical Testing System,” Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5523, 1-11 (2004).
J. Hadaway, R. Eng, P. Stahl, J. Carpenter, J. Kegley, and W. Hogue, “Cryogenic Performance of Lightweight SiC and C/SiC Mirrors,” Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5487, 1018-1029 (2004).
D. Chaney, R. Brown, S. Kendrick, P. Reardon, J. Hadaway, J. Carpenter, and R. Eng, “Results of the Beryllium AMSD Mirror Cryogenic Optical Testing,” Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5487, 833-841 (2004).
J. Hadaway, P. Reardon, J. Geary, D. Hochmuth, P. Stahl, and R. Eng, “Cryogenic Quilting or Printthrough of Various Light-weight Mirrors,” Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5180, (2003).