Final Report for URII Fund No. 17486. University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, UAV Fire Detection URII
“Design and fabrication of low-cost lightweight metal mirrors” Ahmad, A., Engelhaupt, D., Feng, C., Hadaway, J., and Ye Li. 1994 In Proceedings of the Manufacturing Process Development in Photonics Conference. Redstone Arsenal, AL
“Development of a Prototype Nickel Optic for the Constellation-X Hard-X-Ray Telescope” S.Romaine, S.Basso, R.J.Bruni, D.Engelhaupt, M.Ghigo, P.Gorenstein, F.Mazzoleni, S.L.O’Dell, G.Pareschi, B.D.Ramsey, S.Romaine, C.O.Speegle, SPIE 5168, pp. 112-119, 2003.
“Figure Measurements of High-Energy-X-Ray Replicated Optics M.Gubarev, B.D.Ramsey, T.Kester, D.Engelhaupt, C.O. Speegle and G.Martin, SPIE 5168, pp. 227-234, 2003.
“The Development of Hard-X-Ray Optics at NASA/MSFC” B.D.Ramsey, R.Elsner, D.Engelhaupt, M.Gubarev, J.J.Kolodziejczak, S.L.O’Dell, C.O.Speegle and M.C.Weisskopf, SPIE 5168, pp. 129-135, 2003.
“Electrodeposition of High Quality Nickel Phosphorous Alloys for Pollution Reduction and Energy Conservation” D. Engelhaupt and B.D.Ramsey, submitted to the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society AESF/EPA/ 2004.
“Electrocomposites of Alumina in a Nickel Matrix” P. Xiong-Skiba, R. Hulguin, D. Engelhaupt and B.D.Ramsey, 205th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, San Antonia, Tx, May 04