Dr. Christapher Nicholas Vincenthe/him Research Scientist IV, CAO Contact 301 Sparkman DriveOptics BuildingRoom 400PHuntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.824.2532christapher.vincent@uah.edu Biography Dr. Vincent earned his B.S in Physics from University of the Pacific in 2015, with his senior thesis research involving single-photon interference in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. He then took a year to prepare for grad school, during which he worked in aiding a local high school’s science club design and build a CanSat. He also developed and implemented instruction and procedures in running UOP’s Physics Department’s FDM 3D-printer, which he used to construct new laboratory equipment, including a pulse-width modulator, a laser safety sign, and a digital scale to monitor the fill level of a liquid nitrogen dewar. Since his senior thesis involved quantum optics, he was attracted to graduate programs at universities at which Dr. Marlan Scully held a seat. This led him to apply for and get accepted at Texas A&M University. While there, he spent his first several semesters teaching introductory physics, a general senior physics lab. He also taught a senior laboratory course in electron-spin and nuclear-magnetic resonances professed by Drs. Nelson Duller and Alexei Sokolov. He was then recruited by Dr. Sean Blakley into Dr. Aleksei Zheltikov’s quantum optics laboratory, where he spent the rest of his graduate career developing and characterizing all-optical quantum thermometry utilizing split-vacancy diamond color centers. After publishing his thesis on this, he was hired as Research Scientist IV at University of Alabama in Huntsville’s Center for Applied Optics. PREVIOUS POSITIONS Graduate Research Assistant Jun 2018 - May 2023 Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University Developed an all-optical quantum sensing process, utilizing fluorescent defects in diamond Demonstrated high-resolution quantum thermometric probes by coupling said process to photonic-crystal-fibers. Proposed a compact photonic platform for fast real-time polymerase chain reaction Developed a framework for ultralow-power instant-on photon-pair counting and photon-entanglement analysis. Education Ph.D, Physics, Texas A&M University, 2023 B.S., Physics, University of the Pacific, 2015 Honors & Awards University of the Pacific -Outstanding Graduating Senior in 2015 Recent Publications “Ultralow-power instant-on photon-pair counting and photon-entanglement analysis,” Xinghua Liu, Ilya V Fedotov, Jiru Liu, Yusef Maleki, Chris Vincent et al., Laser Phys. Lett. 18 045401 (2021) “Photonic toolbox for fast real-time polymerase chain reaction,” Chris Vincent et al., Laser Phys. Lett. 17 076202 (2020) “Photonic-Crystal-Fiber Quantum Probes for High-Resolution Thermal Imaging,” Sean Blakley, Christapher Vincent et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 044048 (2020) “Fiber-Optic Quantum Thermometry with Germanium-Vacancy Centers in Diamond,” Sean Blakley, Xiaohan Liu, Ilya Fedotov, Ivan Cojocaru, Chris Vincent et al., ACS Photonics 2019, 6, 7, 1690–1693 (2019)