Dr. Hank Alewine, CPA Associate Professor, College of Business Contact 301 Sparkman DriveBusiness Administration BuildingRoom 376Huntsville, AL 35899 Campus Map 256.824.6589hank.alewine@uah.edu Biography Curriculum Vitae Education Ph.D., Accounting, University of Kentucky, 2010 M.Acc., University of South Carolina, 2004 B.A., Biology, Coker College, 2002 Honors & Awards College of Business Outstanding Faculty Member Award, 2023 College of Business Undergraduate Teaching Award Winner, 2023 College of Business Outstanding Service Award, 2021 Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013 for the article, “How does environmental accounting information influence attention and investment?” published in the International Journal of Accounting and Information Management. Expertise Space Accounting Environmental & Ecological Accounting Management Judgment & Decision Making Recent Publications Tucker, B. P., and H. C. Alewine. 2023. Everybody’s business to know about space: Cross-disciplinarity and the challenges of the New Space Age. Space Policy, 101573. Tucker, B. P., and H. C. Alewine. 2023. The roles of management control: Lessons from the Apollo program. Contemporary Accounting Research 40 (2): 1046–1081. Tucker, B. P., and H. C. Alewine. 2022. It's not rocket science: Humanities, arts and social sciences in the space sector. Journal of Behavioural Economics and Social Systems 4 (2): 41-54. (commissioned paper) Tucker, B. P., and H. C. Alewine. 2022. Space for accounting and accountability: Realising potential management accounting research contributions to the space sector. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 35 (6): 1353-74. (commissioned paper) Tucker, B. P., and H. C. Alewine. 2021. The sunk cost fallacy and throwing the baby out with the bathwater: A little like rocket science. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 34 (4): 1016-7. Alewine, H. C. 2020. Space accounting. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 33 (5): 991-1018. Alewine, H. C., and D. Stone. 2017. Accounting systems’ design matters: Evaluability and mode influence environmental performance judgments. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research 20: 23-62. Alewine, H. C., C. D. Allport, and M. Shen. 2016. How measurement framing and accounting information system evaluation mode influence environmental performance judgments. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 23: 28-44. Alewine, H. C., and T. Miller. 2016. How balanced scorecard format and reputation related to environmental objectives influence performance evaluations. Advances in Management Accounting 27: 123-65. Alewine, H. C., and D. Stone. 2016. The joint influence of evaluation mode and benchmark signal on environmental accounting-relevant decisions. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 36 (2): 124-52.