The University of Alabama in Huntsville is seeking bids for the following goods or services. The listed documents are subject to modification through the Addendum process, it shall be the vendor's responsibility to verify the issuance of an Addendum(s) prior to the closing date.
The following statement is applicable to all Requests for Formal Bid and Contracts for Professional Services that are required on all taxable sales and leases into Alabama:
Certification Pursuant To Act No. 2006-557
Alabama Law (Section 41-4-116, Code of Alabama 1975) provides that every bid submitted and contract executed shall contain a certification that the vendor, contractor, and all of its affiliates that make sales for delivery into Alabama or leases for use in Alabama are registered, collecting, and remitting Alabama state and local sales, use, and/or lease tax on all taxable sales and leases into Alabama. By submitting this bid, the bidder is hereby certifying that they are in full compliance with Act No. 2006-557, they are not barred from bidding or entering into a contract pursuant to 41-4-116, and acknowledges that the awarding authority may declare the contract void if the certification is false.
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*NOTE: All bid openings are at 1:30 p.m. (CST) on the specified date unless otherwise noted. Bids received after 1:30 p.m. will not be accepted.
Starting December 2022 all new bids for the University of Alabama in Huntsville are handled through Bidnet Direct. The bid notification, the submission, and the award information will be handled online through Bidnet Direct website. It includes a free online registration for our vendors. So if you have not already registered with them, please do so now. (Click on the link below)
Open Solicitations - for those issued prior to December 2022
Vendor Registration - for vendor registration prior to December 2022
If you have questions concerning a particular Bid / Proposal contact the Procurement Officer handling that purchase.