Graphic Formats/Scanning
If your work is going to contain graphics, be sure they are of good resolution. In most cases, a Jpeg (*.jpg) format is one of the smallest compressed files with the best resolution. We have a Xerox scanner available and different scanning utilities available for your use. We also have several programs available for 'cleaning up' the scanned picture.
Digital Graphic Size
The actual size of the digital graphic can be either decreased or increased to a certain level. Typically, a graphic can be enlarged or reduced to 75% to 150% of its size with little change in the printed quality. Especially in enlargements, the image is likely to lose detail, have some jagged edges, or appear to be posterized with rough graduations in tone and poor contrast.
Hard-Copy Graphic Size
The color graphic printer has the capability to reduce or enlarge a graphic, including photos, from 20% to 400% with little deterioration in quality. The hard copy can be up to 11" x 17" in size.
If your presentation is going to be on transparencies for use with an overhead projector, remember that what you see on your screen may not necessarily be what will be projected. In Microsoft PowerPoint, many background colors and pre-formatted layouts are available. The 'rule of thumb' is that for the best looking projected presentation, use a light background with dark text. Make sure the font you use is very legible.