FAST (Finance and Administration Survival Training) is a mini conference for front line staff at UAH who interact together everyday. A wide array of topics are presented to attendees to help educate our forward facing staff on policies, procedures, document flows, etc. The latest policy changes, administrative processes, and updates on current hot topics are addressed. Speakers from across the UAH campus are invited to present important information to help you perform your job successfully and benefit you personally. FAST provides an opportunity to network with colleagues within Finance and Administration and from other departments. The FAST Conference is held in the February/March timeframe annually. It is scheduled over the course of two consecutive mornings with meals and refreshments provided. Save the Dates are sent two - three months prior with invitations sent afterward. Presentation Slides Photo Gallery Please contact Melissa Brown at or at 256.824.5217 if you have any questions or would like to be included in future conferences either as an attendee or speaker.