The following are upcoming events and deadlines for applications: January Mid-January, Space Grant OEPM data, Expenditure Summary and Longitudinal Tracking due to NASA Mid-January – early May, NASA Internship Spring Session (16 weeks) Mid-Late January, Research CAN proposals due to Alabama Program Office February Early-Mid February, Rapid Response (R3) proposals due to NASA Early-Mid February, International Space Station (ISS) proposals due to NASA Early-Mid February, Space Grant Augmentation proposals due to NASA Late February, Space Grant Annual Progress Report due to NASA Late February, Annual Hill Visits and National Space Grant Alliance Meetings – D.C. March Early March, Annual Space Grant Directors Spring Meeting – D.C. Early March, ASGC Scholarship and Fellowship Applications due Early March, NASA Internship Applications for Summer Session due Late March, RID seed grant annual reports due Late March, Research CAN proposals due to NASA April Early-April, Annual Space Grant Management Team Meeting Mid-April, Ending/Beginning of Space Grant Program Year (Runs April 23rd – April 22nd) May Late May/early June – August, NASA Internship Summer Session (10 weeks) May – August, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Summer Session June Early June, Research Infrastructure Development (RID) seed grant proposals due every 3-5 years ($16k per year, 100% cost share) Late June, NASA EPSCoR Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) - KSC July Early July, NASA Internship Applications for Fall Session due August Late August/early September - mid-December, NASA Internship Fall Session (16 weeks) September Late September, National Space Grant Directors Fall Meeting October Mid October, International Space Station (ISS) Flight Opportunity Solicitation released (3 years, $100,000, no cost share requirement) Late October, Rapid Response (R3) Solicitation released (1 year, $100,000, no cost share requirement) Late October, Scholarship and Fellowship Awards Day/Luncheon Late October, Space Grant 6-Month Progress Report Due Late October, Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) Annual Meeting November Early November, NASA Internship Applications for Spring Session due Mid-Late November, Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Solicitation released (3 years, $750,000, 50% cost share required) December Mid-December, R3 proposals due to Alabama Program Office Mid-December, ISS proposals due to Alabama Program Office