downtown huntsville

The SOC 495 Senior Capstone Seminar provides senior sociology majors the opportunity to transition from being consumers of sociological knowledge, to being producers and practitioners. Capstone students can choose one of two tracks: 1) completing an independent research project or 2) completing an internship at a local social service organization.

In the internship track, students who are close to completing the sociology major have an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge that they have acquired from other sociology courses in service to their community. Students spend 120 hours interning at a local non-profit service organization or government agency and this experience is guided and enhanced by coursework. By the end of the semester, students will have produced a professional organizational report, including an analysis of organizational operation and recommendations for improvement.

Examples of recent internship sites selected by students include:

  • First Stop
  • The Riley Behavioral and Educational Center
  • Food Bank of North Alabama
  • NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Huntsville
  • His Way Recovery Center
  • Crisis Services of North Alabama


Please note that SOC 495 is only offered in the spring semester and has SOC 301 Research Methods as a prerequisite.



Sociology Internships

As a senior Sociology major at UAH, Jhomaira Chaina Corrales worked as an intern at the Food Bank of North Alabama. Corrales came to UAH from her home country of Peru. Her interest in community work prompted her to choose to complete an internship as part of her degree at UAH.