Mr. Robert Bean

Part-time Faculty - Studio Art


301 Sparkman Drive
Wilson Hall
Room 237A
Huntsville, AL 35899
Campus Map



I use my art as a way to communicate with and understand the world around me. Because we all see the world through our own perceptions I try to create narrative paintings that incorporate personal subject matter and symbols while using more universal themes and archetypes to create a series of paintings that work as a whole.

As much as I enjoy working with ideas about how to create interesting narratives, I constantly work on my painting technique. I obsessively study old masters paintings and read anything I can find about their thinking and working method. I have been working on incorporating both impressionistic techniques and the more classical method of using greys and neutrals. I also try to work from life as much as possible to keep my observational skills sharp.

Curriculum Vitae


  • M.F.A., Louisiana State University, 2001
  • B.F.A., Mississippi State University, 1997

Exhibitions & Presentations

  • Group Exhibition, Art Installation, Black Lives Matter-Art Evolution, Huntsville, AL
  • Solo Exhibition, FW Gallery, Baton Rouge, LA
  • Public Art Mural, John Blue Reality Building, Google Fiber Commission.
  • Painting Demonstration, In conjunction with the opening of the exhibition Thomas Clark Collection: American Impressionism, Huntsville Museum of Art
  • Solo Exhibition, Walnut Gallery, Gadsen, AL
  • Public Art Mural, Liquor Express on University Drive, Private Commission, Huntsville, AL
  • Group Exhibition, Walls to Walls, Arts Huntsville, Huntsville, AL
  • Conducted Teacher Workshop for Decatur schools, Alabama Center for the Arts, Decatur
  • Artist Talk, Alabama Center for the Arts, Decatur AL
  • Painting Demonstration, Youth Art Month, Huntsville Museum of Art


  • Oil on Canvas