How do I accept my scholarship offer? Step 1: Go to Step 2: Log in using your ChargerID and Password Step 3: Under the "Financial Aid" tab, select AWARD Step 4: Click on: AWARD FOR AID YEAR Step 5: Select Aid Year Step 6: Go to the tab labeled "Accept Award Offer" Step 7: Click the "Accept All Awards" button or accept the selected award Why is it important to submit my scholarship application by the priority date? Students who submit their scholarship application by the priority date will be considered in the first round of scholarship recipient selection and will be considered for all scholarships awarded for that academic year. Submitting an application by the priority date is probably the most important action a student can take to maximize their chances of being selected to receive a UAH competitive scholarship. If the priority date has already passed, should I still submit a scholarship application? Yes, and the sooner, the better! There are a number of scholarships that are awarded after the first round of recipient selection. Students submitting applications after the priority date will be considered for any remaining scholarships. My GPA is just average – should I bother to submit a scholarship application? Absolutely! Although most scholarships do take academic merit into consideration, there are many scholarships that also look at other factors such as leadership, citizenship, community services, membership in certain organizations, and a host of other criteria. Who selects the scholarship recipients? Scholarship committees are formed for recipient selection and based on the rules for each award, may include the dean of a particular college, faculty members, representatives from various offices on campus, or even members of campus-based or outside organizations. How are scholarship recipients notified? Notification will be emailed to the recipient's UAH email address. The award offer will also be posted to the student's my.UAH account. There may be a time limit to accept a competitive scholarship offer. Students are encouraged to check their UAH email regularly so as not to miss any scholarship opportunities. Can scholarship funds be used for anything other than tuition? UAH Freshman Merit Tuition Scholarships are for tuition only. Other awards typically do not stipulate a specific use and can be used for any college expenses. How does participating in the co-op program affect my scholarship? Students who are participating in a UAH approved co-op may be eligible for alternative scholarship scheduling. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid for more information about how a co-op will affect the payment and renewal of your scholarship. What are the requirements for renewal? Most scholarships have the following requirements for renewal: Remain classified as an undergraduate student Enroll full-time each consecutive fall and spring term Earn a minimum 2.00 UAH GPA each semester Maintain a minimum cumulative UAH grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 Earn a minimum of 24 combined credit hours from fall and spring of the same academic year Note that students who first enroll in the spring semester must earn at least 12 credit hours with a GPA of 3.00. Scholarships will not be renewed if the cummulative UAH GPA falls below 2.00. When do renewal evaluations occur? Renewal eligibility will be evaluated annually after final grades are submitted following the spring semester. I received an outside scholarship. Where should the donor send my award? The donor should clearly identify the scholarship recipient on the check stub or in an accompanying letter, along with any specific requirements or instructions. This information along with the check should be sent to: The University of Alabama in Huntsville 301 Sparkman Drive Office of Financial Aid, SSB 124 Huntsville, AL 35899