Students in lab.

The Alabama ADVANCE Partnership for Gender Equity, funded in fall 2019 as part of the National Science Foundation’s ADVANCE Program, is aimed at increasing the participation and advancement of women in science technology, engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

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Partnership Goals

  • To implement institutional changes in practices and policies that inhibit gender equity and inclusion in STEM at partner institutions. By gender we mean gender in terms of social identity.
  • To increase the representation and visibility of women, racial, ethnic minorities and other social identities in STEM departments by improving recruitment, retention and promotion practices and policies.

Partnership Activities

  • ADVANCE Office established in the Provost's Office at UAH.
  • Review of spouse/partner relocation policies with Human Resource Office.
  • Establish a Mentoring/Career Development Program for STEM faculty.
  • Hold periodic Lunch and Learn meetings with STEM faculty.
  • Participate in the annual ADVANCE statewide conference on gender equity.

Engineering and Science Activities