Distinguished Speaker, Dominik Finkelde

Wednesday, November 8, 2017Last Repeat The event started -2507 days ago

6:30 PM

Chan Auditorium

Professor Finkelde will provide two public lectures on November 8th & 9th.

On November 10th, at 3pm he will participate in a workshop for students and faculty that will focus on follow-up issues to address a wide range of interests that are cross-disciplinary.

Prof. Finkelde’s brilliant and highly original scholarly work is at the forefront of intersections between subject philosophy, epistemology, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and literary criticism. He is a collaborating editor on a book series that employs Alain Badiou’s theories in its publications. This will be of interest to those who had were present a year ago at Professor Badiou’s highly successful 2016 appearance on the UAH campus. Fluent in English, Finkelde is an experienced public speaker and a broadly inclusive, multi-disciplinary scholar.

Professor Dominik Finkelde, S.J. studied philosophy, theology, and literature in Berlin, Munich, and Paris, completing his studies with a doctoral dissertation on Walter Benjamin and Marcel Proust. In 2009 he was ordained as a Jesuit priest. Since 2015, Dr. Finkelde has been a professor of contemporary philosophy and epistemology at the Jesuit University of Philosophy in Munich. He has taught as visiting lecturer in Mexico City as well as at Georgetown University and Loyola University Maryland. Among his numerous publications are books on the political eschatology after St. Paul in Badiou, Agamben, Žižek, and Santner (2007), on Slavoj Žižek’s position between Lacan and Hegel, on the notion of excessive subjectivity, and the idea of “fantascism”—the totalitarian temptations within democracy. He is also the author of four theatre plays.


College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, Humanities Center
Public, Students, Faculty and Staff, Alumni


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Chan Auditorium

4832 Holmes Ave NWHuntsville, AL 35805

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