Tuesday Physics Seminar: Active Galactic Nuclei

Tuesday, January 7, 2020 The event started -1718 days ago

4:00 PM 5:00 PM

Optics Building

Room 237

Probing the Feeding and Feedback Processes in Local AGNs with Integral-Field Spectroscopy

Dr. Rongxin Lin (UAH)

Feeding and feedback processes are important topics in the study of AGNs since they play a key role in linking the supermassive blackholes (SMBHs) and their host galaxies. In order to further understand the co-evolution of SMBHs and their host galaxies, we probe the feeding and feedback processes in local AGNs with a series of integral-field-spectroscopy observations. In the first part of my talk, I will introduce our recent works of two nearby low-luminosity AGNs (NGC 1042 and NGC 4826). Based on the data from VENGA survey, we perform the detailed spectral analysis and identify the inflow of ionized gas within the central kpc regions of these galaxies, which are driven by different dynamical mechanisms (e.g. inner spiral arms and counter-rotating disks). We also estimate the mass inflow rates and further discuss the connection between gas inflow and nuclear activity. Then, I will present the results from our SNIFS and GMOS observations of local type-2 AGNs with outflow signatures. Based on the dedicated emission-line diagnostics and kinematic studies, we estimate the size, mass rate, and energy of the outflowing gas and discuss their links with the properties of central AGNs. These results highlight the importance of spatially-resolved observation in investigating gas kinematics and identifying the gas inflow/outflow surrounding SMBHs. 


College of Science, Physics and Astronomy
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Optics Building

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