Teaching and Classes

Dr. Xu teaches undergraduate and graduate course in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. His past and current courses include:

MAE 200 - Principles of Aeronautics & Astronautics

MAE 271 - Statics

MAE 310 - Fluid Mechanics 1

MAE 456/568 - Elements of Spacecraft Design

MAE 642 - Intro to Electric Propulsion

MAE 740 - Aerothermodynamics


COE Undergraduate Research Program (URP)

Dr. Xu is the head of the College of Engineering Undergraduate Research Program. The program helps place qualified and interested students with faculty in the college to provide a meaningful undergraduate research experience throughout the school year. An info session is held each Fall for new and current students. The program also accepts faculty proposals in the Fall for funds provided by the Dean to support undergraduate students in their research.