honors seminar 2017

Charger Foundations & Lower-Level Courses
HON 101 (req.) HON 101: Intro to Honors Research (replaces FYE 101 credit) FA - 1
EH 105 (req.) EH 105: Honors English Seminar FA - 3
Fine Arts

ARS 160: Honors Drawing Foundations

FA/SP - 3

MU 100: Honors Intro to Music Lit FA/SP - 3

EH 207: Honors Lit and Culture I

FA/SP - 3

EH 208: Honors Lit and Culture II FA/SP - 3
EH 244: Honors Heroes and/or Monsters FA/SP - 3

CM 113: Honors Intro to Rhetoric (Speech)

FA/SP - 3

PHL 101: Honors Intro to Philosophy FA - 3
PHL 102: Honors Intro to Ethics SP - 3

MA 171: Honors Calculus A

FA - 4

MA 172: Honors Calculus B FA/SP - 4
MA 201: Honors Calculus C FA/SP - 4
MA 238: Honors Differential Equations SP - 3
Natural Lab Sciences

BYS 121: Honors Principles of Biology Lab 

FA - 4

BYS 122: Honors Organismal Biology Lab SP - 4
CH 125: General Chemistry I Lab FA - 4
PH 111: Gen. Physics with Calc I/Honors Lecture SP - 3
PH 114: Gen. Physics with Calc I/Honors Lab SP - 1
PH 112: Gen. Physics with Calc II/Honors Lecture FA - 3
PH 115: Gen. Physics with Calc II/Honors Lab FA - 1

HY 103: Honors World History to 1500

FA - 3

HY 104: Honors World History since 1500 SP - 3
Social & Behavioral Science

SOC 100: Honors Intro to Sociology

FA - 3

Honors HON 201: Scholarships and Graduate School Prep FA/SP - 1

ENG 101: Honors Intro to Computing for Engineers

SP - 3

MAE 271: Honors Statics FA - 3


Upper-Level Courses

HON 301: Honors Special Seminar (multiple topics)

FA/SP - 1

HON 399: Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar FA/SP - 3
HON 400: Honors Internship FA/SP/SU - 3

CoS Requirement

EH 301: Honors Technical Writing FA/SP - 3
Chemistry CH 335: Honors Organic Chemistry Lab I FA - 4

MAE 345: Honors Thermo Colloquium (Pre/Co-Req: MAE 341/CHE 344)

SP - 4*

HON 321: Honors ISE 321 Supplement (Pre/Co-Req: ISE 321) FA/SP - 4*
CPE 325: Honors Embedded Systems Lab FA - 4

NUR 303: Honors Health Assessment

NUR 307: Honors Inquiry to Evidence Based Practice

NUR 407: Honors Professional Practice in Nursing 

NUR 415: Honors Directed Research

FA - 5

FA/SP - 3

FA/SP - 8

FA/SP - 2

Other Options

Honors Contracts - Individually honorize any course without an Honors section offered in the term. Honors Contract Proposal form must be submitted. 

JUMP Courses - JUMP courses will automatically be given Honors credit once a grade is received.
Study Abroad Courses - Credit completed on a study abroad program is likely eligible for Honors credit. Please contact Honors Academic Advisor for more info. 
Honors Capstone (Choose 1)

Any upper-level course you choose as basis of Capstone (can be in your major or another subject)

FA/SP/SU - 3

HON 499: Honors Thesis FA/SP/SU - 3
HON 401: MAE and ISE Capstone Course (Co-Req MAE 491 or ISE 429) FA/SP - 4

*Student must take MAE 345 to receive 3 hours of Honors credit for MAE 341 or CHE 344.

*Student must take HON 321: Honors ISE 321 Supplement to receive 3 hours of Honors credit for ISE 321.