To make sure that UAH email alerts continue to reach recipients quickly and reliably, Rave Alert will add an email confirmation flow for external emails in new managed contact imports in its upcoming April release. The change addresses a Gmail requirement that bulk senders authenticate their email, make it easy to unsubscribe, and ensure they’re sending email that is wanted by the recipient. 

The new process will automatically send the recipient a confirmation email when their address is added as a new external managed contact. The recipient must click a unique link to confirm they want to receive messages.

External managed contacts added to the UAH system after April 18 will not receive UAH alerts until they confirm that they consent to these messages. They should be told to expect a confirmation email to get started.

This change is not expected to affect email domain users, but any non-UAH email addresses added to the system via UAH’s automated upload process will trigger the confirmation process. External email addresses already in the system at the time Rave implements the new process should not be impacted.

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